WonkLine: March 9, 2010

Posted by on 03/09/2010 at 01:54PM

From the Wonk Room.

Today is the National Call-In Day to stop mountaintop removal mining, as thousands are calling their representatives and asking them to become a cosponsor of H.R. 1310, The Clean Water Protection Act.

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson “fought back on Monday against Senate attempts to challenge the agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions”: “Supposedly these efforts have been put forward to protect jobs. In reality, they will have serious negative economic effects.”

Women hit hard by the effects of climate change – drought, floods, sea level rise and crop failure” – “climate witnesses” from the United States, Peru, Senegal, Uganda and other countries “aim to tell their stories to members of Congress on Tuesday in a lobbying effort timed to follow Monday’s International Women’s Day.”