Establishing an Independent NOAA

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
2318 Rayburn

04/18/2023 at 10:00AM

Hearing on legislation to establish an independent NOAA. Former Republican NOAA administrators have been invited to testify.

Hearing charter


  • Dr. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, VADM USN Ret. NOAA Administrator, 2001-2008
  • Dr. Tim Gallaudet, RDML USN Ret. Acting NOAA Administrator, 2017-2019
  • Dr. Neil Jacobs, Acting NOAA Administrator, 2019-2021


The NOAA Organic Act proposed by Chairman Lucas would establish NOAA as an independent agency within the executive branch, give it formal statutory authority, and authorize its mission. Additionally, the NOAA Organic Act ensures the National Weather Service will continue to operate within NOAA. It also consolidates NOAA’s work by refocusing on its core mission areas. It moves the Office of Commercial Space out of NOAA and elevates the office within the Department of Commerce, making it an individual office with an Undersecretary reporting directly to the Secretary of Commerce. Additionally, the bill directs a study from the National Academy of Public Administration on transferring part or all of NOAA’s work on endangered species and marine mammal protection to the Department of the Interior.