Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

Opportunities to Improve Project Reviews for a Cleaner and Stronger Economy

406 Dirksen
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:00:00 GMT

Business meeting to consider
  • S.1189, to establish a pilot grant program to improve recycling accessibility
  • S.1194, to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out certain activities to improve recycling and composting programs in the United States, and the nominations of
  • David M. Uhlmann, of Michigan, to be an Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
  • Joseph Goffman, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency for the Office of Air and Radiation

Followed by a hearing on project permitting.

  • Christy Goldfuss, Chief Policy Impact Officer, National Resources Defense Council
  • Dana Johnson, Senior Director of Strategy and Federal Policy, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
  • Christina Hayes, Executive Director, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid
  • Jay Timmons, President & CEO, National Association of Manufacturers
  • Marty Durbin, Senior Vice President of Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce