PG&E, Boxer, Sanders respond to Lieberman-Warner

Posted by Brad Johnson on 10/18/2007 at 03:00PM

More on the Lieberman-Warner legislation….


We believe America’s Climate Security Act provides a solid starting point for constructively advancing a comprehensive, national response to and policy on climate change. Senators Lieberman and Warner have developed a thoughtful proposal that recognizes the urgent need for action by designing a program to achieve significant emission reductions from all sectors of the economy.

From Nature, Sen. Barbara Boxer:

Today will be remembered as a turning point in the fight against global warming. We have the framework here. Every single issue that any one could raise about global warming has been raised in this bill, giving us the perfect place to start.

Sen. Bernie Sanders is more critical:

“The problem is even worse than many have previously suggested,” Sanders said. “If anything, the legislation Senator Boxer and I introduced in January, the strongest legislation introduced in Congress to address global warming, is probably too conservative to address the problem. It is likely that we should be even more aggressive in our targets and timetables for mandatory reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.”

In a Senate floor statement, Sanders cited the views of major environmental groups on the Lieberman-Warner legislation.