The following are the planned livestreams for viewing
the People’s Climate
in New York City:
- from, with reporting from Hill Heat’s Brad Johnson, starting at 9:30 am
- official People’s Climate March feed, starting at 10:30 am
- Democracy Now feed from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
- StopMotionSolo, Occupy livestreamer
- Columbus Circle overhead webcam
The march is scheduled to begin at 11:30 am. Pre-march rallies begin at 9 am.
Pre-March Rallies
9:00 am—Parents & Kids Rally
Location: 66th Street and Central Park West
Description: Bringing little kids? Here’s what to bring: Strollers if your kid needs one, water, snacks, layers of clothing.
10:00 am—Climate Convergence
Location: 79th St and Central Park West
Description: Climate rebels, peace and justice advocates, and proponents of deep System Change will rally with the Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit. Rally will feature speakers, hip hop artists, song, Indigenous dance, and chants.
10:00 am—ALBA Countries Against Climate Change
Location: 79th Street and Central Park West
Description: Please join to the ALBA countries Against Climate Change. We will be marching with Claudia Salerno, Venezuela. Rene Orellana, Bolivia, both of them Presidential Special Envoy for Climate Change of their respective countries. Jaime Hermidas, deputy ambassador and chief negotiator for climate change Nicaragua.
10:00 am—Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Rally
Location: Central Park West between 73rd and 74th Street; Stage set up at 73rd Street.
Description: Dr. Arjun Mahkijani (IEER and author of Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free); Jessica Azulay (AGREE); Julia Walsh (Frack Action & New Yorkers Against Fracking); Tim Judson (NIRS); Leona Morgan (ENDAUM, Clean Up the Mines); Japanese activist Yuko Tonohira; Michael Mariotte, MC (NIRS). Perfomers include Raging Grannies, Joel Landy, Chiho Kaneko and more.
10:30 am—Scientist Rally outside Hayden Planetarium
Location: Central Park West between 81st and 82nd
Description: Scientists at the march will include Jim Powell, Executive Director of the National Physical Science Consortium; Klaus Jacob, a senior earth scientist at Columbia who also specializes in disaster risk management; Lucky Tran, the lead organizer of Science Stands; and more. They will gather to stand up against the attacks on climate science.
10:45 am—Labor Rally for Climate Justice
Location: On Broadway south of Columbus Circle, sound system at 57th Street.
Description: Thousands of union members and labor leaders will join the People’s Climate March labor rally.
11:00am—Interfaith Religious Service
Location: 58th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues, entry on 9th Avenue
Description: Participating will be Members from over 34 different denominations. The service will reflect this diversity, and include several musicians including cellist, Michael Fitzpatrick and Peter Yarrow. The service is expected to take 90 minutes, 11:00 – 12:30. The expected “step-off” time into the march is between 12:30 & 1:30.
11:15 am—Clean Energy Solutions Rally
Location: Central Park West between 75th and 76th
Description: The rally will include Dave Scott, Sierra Club president; Rep. Keith Ellison (MN); Danny Kennedy, solar energy company Sungevity Senior Vice President; Paula Swearingen, Mountaintop Removal activist; Emma Ruby-Sachs, Avaaz Campaigns Manager; Mike Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director; Jeffrey Sachs, Director of Earth Institute at Columbia University. The rally will highlight overwhelming support for clean energy solutions, including a 2 million person global petition. It will last approximately 25 minutes.