Regions: The Building Blocks to a Sustainable Nation

National Association of Regional Councils
District of Columbia
02/04/2008 at 08:00AM

This year’s conference will:

  • Feature the regional role and federal outlook on significant policy areas that will dominate the 2008 legislative year, Presidential race and beyond.
  • Explore, in detail, the federal fiscal future, SAFETEA-LU reauthorization, water infrastructure and resources, regional development in a global economy, and energy policy and innovations, as well as the possible outcome of the 2008 Presidential race.
  • Address rural and urban coordination in federal legislation.
  • Engage nationally recognized experts, Congressional members and staff, and other DC Associations to discuss important topics that are shaping regions.
  • Set the 2008 NARC Legislative Agenda.

For more information, please email Shannon Menard ([email protected]) or call 202.986.1032, x.217.

Omni Shoreham Hotel
2500 Calvert Street, NW

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