Climate Change and the World Bank – Help or Hindrance?

Friends of the Earth
District of Columbia
10/09/2008 at 10:00AM

With the launch of the Climate Investment Funds, the World Bank has positioned itself as a major player in international climate funding and policy. Speakers on this panel will discuss the World Bank’s past, current, and potential future role in climate change, including examinations of the Bank from Southern country perspectives. The implications of the World Bank’s role for both U.S. climate policy and the financing mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will also be discussed.

Speakers may include:

  • Elena Gerebizza, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (Italy)
  • Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (Philippines)
  • Chima Williams, Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth-Nigeria
  • Vice Yu, Global Governance for Development Programme, South Centre

Moderator: Karen Orenstein, Friends of the Earth-US

Sponsored by ActionAid USA, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale, Friends of the Earth International, Jubilee USA, Oil Change International, and Sustainable Energy and Economy Network.

Location: Friends of the Earth-US, 1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC

For more information, please contact Karen Orenstein, International Finance Campaign Coordinator, Friends of the Earth US, [email protected], 202-222-0717.
