Happy Hour: Making Finance Sustainable

Hill Heat
District of Columbia
03/30/2009 at 06:30PM

Please come to the inaugural Hill Heat Happy Hour at the Reef in Adams Morgan, to drink Manhattans and discuss Copenhagen, and mix beers with biochar. Our special guest speaker will be Jerome Guillet, a top wind energy financier and sustainable energy blogger. In a brief presentation, Making Finance Sustainable, Jerome will discuss how to avoid another global financial meltdown and what barriers exist to the financing of the renewable energy sector.


Jerome Guillet is a French investment banker based in Paris, specializing in the energy sector, and more specifically on wind power. He blogs as “Jerome a Paris” on DailyKos and other sites and is editor of the European Tribune (www.eurotrib.com), a website and European politics and international affairs, and contributing editor to The Oil Drum (www.theoildrum.com), a website focused on energy. He’s also a member of the “Energize America” Netroots effort to draft a sane energy policy.

The Reef
2446 18th St NW
Washington, DC 20009

RSVP now
