Climate and Food Justice Forum: Building Connections between New York and Puerto Rico

Natural Resources Defense Council
New York
09/23/2014 at 07:00PM

The National Young Farmers Coalition, La Sombrilla, the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and NRDC Present

Climate and Food Justice Forum: Building Connections between New York and Puerto Rico

New York and Puerto Rico are home to some of the most climate vulnerable communities in the United States. Advocates and residents in both regions increasingly see food justice as critical to bolstering their communities’ resiliency in the face of climate change. The forum will explore that connection, highlighting how farmers and activists in both regions are developing climate smart alternatives to conventional agriculture.

Speakers include:

Cindy Madeleiny Camacho Bernard Estudiantes Dispuestos a la Restauración Ambiental

Annie Courtens Roxbury Farm

Keisha Morale Rodríguez Estudiantes Dispuestos a la Restauración Ambiental

Ana Elisa Pérez Quintero Proyecto Enlace

Colibrí Sanfiorenzo-Barnhard La Sombrilla

Columbia Law School 435 W 116th St Jerome Greene Hall, Room 107 New York, NY 10027

