Climate Action Symposia Series: The Role of Research Universities and MIT’s Climate Initiatives

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
10/20/2020 at 02:30PM

The Climate Action Symposia series aims to advance our community’s understanding and expand our capacity to generate solutions for the urgent global challenge of climate change. The six symposia examine the current state of climate science and policy, as well as pathways for decarbonization of the global economy. We will also look at how universities can and should contribute solutions, including MIT’s efforts under our Plan for Action on Climate Change.

The fifth of MIT’s six Climate Action Symposia, The Role of Research Universities and MIT’s Climate Initiatives, will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 20, 2020. Topics will include:

  • how research universities can help the world deal with the climate crisis;
  • initiatives being developed by MIT to reduce carbon emissions;
  • how you can get involved.


Chairs: Paula Hammond and Julie Newman, MIT


2:30-2:35 pm Welcome


  • Richard Lester, Associate Provost, MIT

2:35-2:40 pm Setting the stage


  • Paula Hammond, Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT
  • Julie Newman, Director of Sustainability and Lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT

2:40-3:20 pm Panel I: The role of research universities


  • Paula Hammond, Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT


  • Melissa Nobles, Dean of School of Humanities Arts and Social Science, MIT
  • John Deutch, Institute Professor Emeritus Department of Chemistry, MIT

3:20-4:00 pm Panel II: MIT’s low-carbon campus and test bed


  • Krystyn Van Vliet, Associate Provost; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Biological Engineering, MIT


  • Joe Higgins, Vice President for Campus Services and Stewardship, MIT
  • Julie Newman, Director of Sustainability and Lecturer, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT

4:00-4:30 pm Reflections on Climate Action at MIT


  • Maria T. Zuber, E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics and Vice President for Research, MIT

Questions? Email [email protected].

Speaker bios and more will be available at
