Fueling the Climate Crisis: Examining Big Oil’s Climate Pledges

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
2154 Rayburn

02/08/2022 at 10:00AM

On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. ET, the Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hybrid hearing in room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building and on the Zoom video platform to examine the adequacy of climate pledges made by fossil fuel companies to reduce carbon emissions and curb global warming.

The hearing is part of the Committee’s investigation into the fossil fuel industry’s long-running campaign to spread disinformation about climate change and greenwash its role in causing global warming. The Committee will hear from climate experts and environmental advocates who will testify to the urgent need for fossil fuel companies to fundamentally alter their operations and reduce emissions, and assess whether the companies’ climate pledges will meet that goal, or are instead just the latest example of climate disinformation.

Following testimony from the climate experts, the Committee will hold a hearing next month with members of the Boards of Directors of four fossil fuel companies.

Hearing Memorandum


  • Dr. Michael E. Mann, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Pennsylvania State University
  • Mark van Baal, Founder, Follow This
  • Tracey Lewis, Policy Counsel, Public Citizen

Republican Witness:

  • Katie Tubb, Senior Policy Analyst, The Heritage Foundation
