Markup of PRECISE Act, SUSTAINS Act, Supply Chain Legislation

House Agriculture Committee
1300 Longworth

05/17/2022 at 02:00PM

Full Committee on Agriculture – Business Meeting to consider:

  • The Budget Views and Estimates Letter of the Committee on Agriculture for the agencies and programs under the jurisdiction of the Committee for Fiscal Year 2023;
  • H.R. 7764, A bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. ;
  • H.R. 2518, “Producing Responsible Energy and Conservation Incentives and Solutions for the Environment Act or the PRECISE Act”;
  • H.R. 2606, “Sponsoring USDA Sustainability Targets in Agriculture to Incentivize Natural Solutions Act of 2021, or the ‘SUSTAINS’ Act”;
  • H.R. 4140, “Butcher Block Act”;
  • H.R. 7675, To amend the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to establish an Agricultural and Food System Supply Chain Resilience and Crisis Response Task Force, and for other purposes.;
  • H.R. 7606, “Meat and Poultry Special Investigator Act of 2022”;
  • H.R. 7763, To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to support and incentivize domestic activities to address fertilizer shortages and deficiencies, diversity fertilizer sources, and reduce depending on foreign sources for fertilizer, and other purposes;
  • H.R. 7765, “American Food Supply Chain Resiliency Act of 2022”
