The Future of Grid Reliability

District of Columbia
10/25/2023 at 05:15PM

Join Politico for a deep-dive conversation on what it will take to ensure a reliable electric grid for the future on Wednesday, October 25 at 5:15 PM ET.

The EPA’s proposed standards for coal and new natural gas-fired power plants have implications for the future of the electric grid. These rules may lead to changes in the power generation mix – shifting to more renewable sources and leading to the potential retirement or modification of fossil fuel plants. These changes raise questions about how to ensure that America will have the electric power that it needs, where and when we need it.



  • Richard Campbell, Vice President, Policy and Research, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, a Republican climate policy group
  • Thomas Coleman, Executive Director, Grid Security Project, SAFE
  • Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio), Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee
  • Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.), Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee
  • Heather Teilhet, Senior Vice President, External Affairs, Oglethorpe Power Corporation
  • Moderated by Catherine Morehouse, Energy Reporter, Politico

Executive Conversation:

  • Jim Matheson, Chief Executive Officer, NRECA
  • Cally Baute, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Media Business, Politico

VIP reception following the main program.

At the Showroom | 1099 14th Street NW Washington, D.C. | 20005

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