The Fiscal Year 2025 Department Of Energy Budget

House Energy and Commerce Committee
   Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee
2123 Rayburn

05/01/2024 at 10:00AM

The Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (ET) in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The title of the hearing is: “The Fiscal Year 2025 Department of Energy Budget.” The request is for $51.42 billion, including $25 billion for maintenance of the nuclear arsenal, $8.23 billion for cleanup of DOE environmental pollution, and $8.58 billion for the Office of Science.

Hearing memo


The Budget includes $8.5 billion across DOE to support researchers and entrepreneurs transforming innovations into commercial clean energy products, including in areas such as: offshore wind; industrial heat; sustainable aviation fuel; and grid infrastructure.

The Budget invests $1.6 billion to support clean energy workforce and infrastructure projects across the Nation, including: $385 million to weatherize and retrofit homes of low-income Americans; $95 million to electrify Tribal homes, provide technical assistance to advance Tribal energy projects, and transition Tribal colleges and universities to renewable energy; $113 million for the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains to strengthen domestic clean energy supply chains, and $102 million to support utilities and State and local governments in building a grid that is more secure, reliable, resilient, and able to integrate electricity from clean energy sources.

The Office of State and Community Energy Programs includes $385 million for the Weatherization Assistance Program to weatherize low-income homes.

The Budget supports $76 million to advance technologies that can enable earlier detection of methane leaks and integrate across a network of methane monitoring sensors for more reliable measurement and mitigation and $150 million to make small quantities of high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) available for ongoing advanced nuclear reactor demonstrations.