Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Water and Power Subcommittee
366 Dirksen
09/11/2024 at 02:30PM
The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:
- S. 2927, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to increase Tribal access to water conservation and efficiency grants, and for other purposes (Lujan);
- S. 4016, to amend the Boulder Canyon Project Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to expend amounts in the Colorado River Dam fund, and for other purposes (Sinema);
- S. 4242/H.R. 4385, to extend the authorization of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991, and for other purposes (Hickenlooper/Lummis);
- S. 4245/H.R. 5770, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to reauthorize certain United States Geological Survey water data enhancement programs, and for other purposes (Lummis/Hickenlooper);
- S. 4347, to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land at Swanson Reservoir and Hugh Butler Reservoir in the State of Nebraska, and for other purposes (Fisher/Ricketts);
- S. 4458, to reauthorize the Reclamation Rural Water Supply Act of 2006, and for other purposes (Rounds/Klobuchar);
- S. 4576, to amend the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015, to reauthorize the Colorado River System conservation pilot program (Hickenlooper/Barrasso);
- S. ___, to establish a new Reclamation program to support collaborative positions at eligible partner organizations to help develop, fund, and implement water projects with benefits for water management and the environment (Hickenlooper);
- S. ___, to amend the Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act to clarify a provision relating to conveyances for aquifer recharge purposes (Risch);
- S. ___, to authorize additional funding for the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Program (Padilla);
- S. ___, to establish an interest-bearing account for the non-Federal contributions to the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (Padilla);
- S. ___, to establish the Integrated Water Management Federal Leadership Committee and to provide for improved drought resilience and dam safety (Padilla);
- S. ___, to amend Public Law 89–108 to modify the authorization of appropriations for State and Tribal, municipal, rural, and industrial water supplies (Hoeven);
- S. ___, to make certain modifications to the repayment period and payment of interest for the Fryingpan-Arkansas project in the State of Colorado (Bennet);
- S. ___, to prohibit the use of amounts from the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund to implement a certain record of decision (Lee); and
- H.R. 6062, to restore the ability of the people of American Samoa to approve amendments to the territorial constitution based on majority rule in a democratic act of self-determination, as authorized pursuant to an Act of Congress delegating administration of Federal territorial law in the territory to the President, and to the Secretary of the Interior under Executive Order 10264, dated June 29, 1951, under which the Constitution of American Samoa was approved and may be amended without requirement for further congressional action, subject to the authority of Congress under the Territorial Clause in article IV, section 3, clause 2 of the United States Constitution (Rep. Radewagen).