Votes on the nomination of Kelly Loeffler to be Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, and disaster loan and other legislation

Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee
428A Russell

02/05/2025 at 11:15AM

The full committee will hold a business meeting to consider:

  • Nomination of The Honorable Kelly Loeffler to be Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration

Loeffler is a fierce critic of climate policy, attacking renewable energy and writing “the Green New Deal and Medicare for All represent insidious attacks on the unparalleled liberty that we as Americans enjoy today.”

  • Resolution Authorizing Expenditures by the Committee during the 119th Congress
  • Committee Rules
  • S. 68 Complete COVID Collections Act, to prohibit the suspension of collections on loans made to small businesses related to COVID-19
  • S. 273 Small Business Child Care Investment Act, to allow nonprofit child care providers to participate in certain loan programs of the Small Business Administration
  • S. 298 Returning SBA to Main Street Act, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to relocate 30 percent of the employees assigned to headquarters to duty stations outside the Washington metropolitan area
  • S. 300 Disaster Loan Accountability and Reform Act, to improve accountability in the disaster loan program of the Small Business Administration