White House Censors CDC Climate Health Testimony

Posted by Brad Johnson on 10/26/2007 at 05:55PM

In a story reported by Associated Press (see Washington Post, ED, WattHead, CQ), Barbara Boxer revealed that CDC director Julie Gerberding’s written testimony (uncensored version) at Tuesday’s EPW hearing on global warming impacts on health was dramatically cut by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget after questions were raised by John H. Marburger III, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Six of the deleted pages detailed how global warming might affect Americans and they included a section with the title, “Climate Change is a Public Concern.”

On Wednesday, House Science Committee Chairman Bart Gordon and Investigations Subcommittee Chair Brad Miller sent a letter to Marburger formally requesting all documents related to the matter by next Monday:

We expect our government researchers and scientists to provide to both Congress and the public the full results of their taxpayer-supported work without the filter that those of opposing views might like to impose. Otherwise, we cannot have a full and free scientific debate.

Marburger released a statement today (from Andy Revkin’s NYT Dot Earth blog), claiming:

Those commentators have missed or ignored several nuanced but important differences between the I.P.C.C. report’s findings and the draft testimony.

Barbara Boxer responsed:

Dr. Marburger’s statement is a lame defense of the White House action to censor information the American people deserve to know about the dangers of global warming.

DeSmogBlog shows what was cut from the report, saying:

These were not minor edits the White House PR spin machine would like us to believe. The word-count for the CDC Director’s Senate testimony went from 3,107 to 1,500 after the White House got through with it.

Whole sections on health related effects to extreme weather, air pollution-related health effect, allergic diseases, water and food-borne infectious diseases, food and water scarcity and the long term impacts of chronic diseases and other health effects were completely wiped out of the testimony.

The human health impacts of global warming

Contact Bettina Poirier, Democratic Staff Director at 202-224-8832


  • Julie Louise Gerberding – director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Howard Frumkin – director, National Center for Environmental Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • Susan R. Cooper – commissioner, Tennessee Department of Health
  • Michael McCally – executive director, Physicians for Social Responsibility
  • Don Roberts – professor emeritus, The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Archive Webcast

Update: Geberding’s written testimony was censored by the White House; see this post for more.

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
406 Dirksen

10/23/2007 at 10:00AM


Health Consequences of Global Warming

A Conference: Health Consequences of Global Warming: Examining the Links; Breaking the Chains

Friday – Sunday September 14 – 16, 2007

Hotel Veto Conference Center 201 S. Linn St Iowa City, IA

Jointly sponsored by: The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and Physicans for Social Responsibility, in cooperation with the University of Iowa Center for Human Rights, Global and Regional Environmental Research, and College of Public Health.

Introducing the Challenge: Halting Climate Change Addressing Health and Human Rights Links

  • Introducing Climate Change Science and Wedges, Jerry Schnoor PhD
  • Introducing Human Rights Issues, Burns Weston LL.B, JSD
  • Introducing Public Health Concerns, Jim Merchant MD PhD

7:00 PM Dinner Speaker:

  • Michael McCally MD PhD, Executive Director, National PSR, Challenge of Global Warming to Preserving Global Health

8:00 PM Concurrent Roundtables

  1. Redefining Security, Catherine Thomasson MD
  2. Introducing Student Groups’ Responses to Global Climate Change
  3. How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Film, Maureen McCue MD PhD
  4. Faith Based Responses to Goobal Warming, Mark Kresowik & Lynn Heuss
  5. Invoking the Precautionary Principle, Carolyn Raffensperger JD
  6. UNA Process on Global Warming, Katy Hanson, Kate Karchay, Douglas Taylor PhD & Jerry Schnoor PhD

Saturday, September 15

9:00 AM Opening Keynote

  • Michael A. McGeehin PhD MSPH, Climate Change, Myriad Threats to Global Health: From Malaria Movement & Complex Disasters to Failing Food Production

9:45 AM Plenary Panel II

Linked Threats to Health and Environment: Current Energy Sources

  • Health Threats of Auto-Centered Cities, Catherine Thomasson MD
  • Ports, Trade & Transit: Health Threats to Workers, Neighborhoods, and the Global Climate, Andrea Hricko MPH
  • Nuclear Power’s Insurmountable Risks, Arjun Makhijani PhD

11:30 AM Plenary Panel III

Collateral Damage: Overlooked Health Costs of Disasters

  • Disasters–Loss and Mental Health–Challenge, Curt H. Drennen PsyD
  • Disasters–Challenges to Maintaining Research and Care, Tyler Curiel MD MPH
  • Unstable Climate–Challenges to Global Food/Water Security, Douglas Taylor PhD

1:15 PM Luncheon Speaker:

  • Michael Klare PhD, Blood and Oil–Further Dangers and Consequences of Dependency on Petroleum

2:15 PM Concurrent Roundtables

  1. “Low Carbon Diet”– Food Production with Low Carbon Emissions, Rich Pirog
  2. Consumption, Denial, and Fear, Fred Myer MA and Carolyn Raffensperger JD
  3. Iowa’s Uniquely Unhealthy Energy Options (Coal, Bio-fuels, Nuclear), Mark Kresowik BA, Alana Stamas, and Michele Kenyon Brown
  4. Healthy Sustainable Businesses–Incorporating Environmentally Friendly Practices, Peter Barnes MA, Fred Kirschenmann PhD, Geoff Willming, Matt Bulle
  5. Environmental Ethics, Voluntary Initiatives vs. Legal Imperatives to Heal Our Planet, Burns Weston LL.B, JSD and Andy Jameton PhD
  6. War, Global Warming, Public Health, and Opportunity Costs, Victor Sidel MD and William Hartung

3:30 PM Plenary Panel IV

Global Warming, Health and Human Rights Links

  • The Arctic Bellwether–Impact of Energy Extraction, & Use on Health and Human Rights of World’s Indigenous, Marginalized & Poorest, Donald Goldberg JD
  • Healthcare of Poor, Minorities, Marginalized Before, During, After Katrina, Ravi Vadlamudi MD

4:30 PM Plenary Panel V Halting and Reversing Global Warming: Affordable, Attainable, Sustainable Solutions

  • Promoting and Attaining a Healthy, Rights Based Paradigm, Michael Dworkin JD
  • Confronting Coal, Bruce Nilles JD

8:00 PM Concurrent Workshops

  1. Concerned Scientists, Health Care Providers, Arjun Makhijani PhD and Catherine Thomasson MD
  2. Student Groups—Student PSR, AMSA, ESW, Global Pulse Leader
  3. Concerned Business Leaders, Peter Barnes MA, Fred Kirschenmann PhD, Geoff Willming, Matt Bulle
  4. Faith Based/Religious Leaders, Ben & Cathy Webb, others
  5. Law Makers, Rights Based, Andy Jameton RN PhD, Carolyn Raffensperger JD, and Ed Fallon BA
  6. Indigenous Peoples, Minorities, Labor, Mike McCally MD PhD, Ravi Vadlamudi MD MPH, and Dan Holub JD

Sunday, September 16

9:00 AM Opening Inspirational Remarks

  • Imperatives of Tikkun Olam, Gerald Sorokin
  • Cool Congregations–Compelling Commitments, Rev. Ben Webb

9:30 AM Closing Keynote

  • Peter Barnes MA, Introducing the Sky Trust to Protect the Atmosphere

10:15 AM Plenary Panel VI

Good News: Cases of Humane Healthy Living Through Sustainable Energy

  • How the West Coast is coming Clean & Green, Catherine Thomasson MD
  • Cool Cities, Mark Kresowik BA and Frank Cownie (invited),
  • UCS, Assessing the National Legislative Frontier: The Good Bad, and Nonexistent, Rich Dana

11:30 AM Plenary Panel VII

Developing Coalitions, Learning from Others, Working Together Toward a Healthy, Secure, Sustainable Future, Saturday Workshop Leaders Report Results & Consult Audience Members

Physicians for Social Responsibility
09/14/2007 at 02:00PM