Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation Public Hearing Day Four

The public hearing for the joint investigation is scheduled to continue May 26-29, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) at the Radisson New Orleans Airport, 2150 Veterans Blvd., Kenner, LA – Bayou Meeting Room. Mr. David Dykes, MMS, and Captain Hung Nguyen, USCG, are the co-chairs of the joint investigation.

Harrell and Vidrine argued over the drilling plan on the day of the explosion.


  • James Mansfield – Transocean
  • Jonathan Keeton – Transocean
  • Jimmy Wayne Harrell, Rig Manager, Transocean
  • Donald Vidrine – BP
  • Curt Kuchta – Transocean
  • Robert Kaluza – BP
  • David Young – Transocean
  • Chad Murray – Transocean
Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation
05/27/2010 at 09:00AM

Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation Public Hearing Day Three

The public hearing for the joint investigation is scheduled to continue May 26-29, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) at the Radisson New Orleans Airport, 2150 Veterans Blvd., Kenner, LA – Bayou Meeting Room. Mr. David Dykes, MMS, and Captain Hung Nguyen, USCG, are the co-chairs of the joint investigation.


  • Carl Smith – Consultant
  • Douglass Brown – Transocean
  • Forsythe – American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • Roy – American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • David McKay – Det Norske Veritias (DNV)
  • Steve Tink – BP
  • Adrian Rose – Transocean
  • Paul Johnson – Transocean
Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation
05/26/2010 at 09:00AM

Chris Matthews Tells Obama to Kill BP's Disaster Capitalism

Posted by on 05/25/2010 at 09:41AM

From the Wonk Room.

On Monday, May 17, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews erupted in anger at the oil disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. Matthews expressed his rage at the profits BP continues to reap as it fails to fix the growing environmental apocalypse. He also criticized the behavior of the Obama administration, which has let the foreign oil giant control much of the disaster response. Matthews wondered why President Obama doesn’t “nationalize that industry and get the job done” and noted that in the “brutal society” of China, “they execute people for this.”

It is maddening that our government is – everybody says, “Capitalism is great. Unbridled free enterprise is great.” Look at it!

Matthews decried the moral hazard created by privatized profit and socialized risk. Matthews concluded by calling out the “millions of people in the American right” who deny the threats of climate change and other environmental catastrophes from our dependence on fossil fuels:

Millions of people in the American right who sit around and say there’s no such thing as mankind destroying his environment through climate change or whatever – there’s an example of what we’re doing right now. We can destroy our habitat on this planet, and it’s the only one we got.


Rush Limbaugh fired back, saying Matthews is “basically asking for a dictator” with his “delusional, deranged” commentary. Matthews has repeated his criticism of BP and the administration, telling Jay Leno on May 21 that President Obama is acting like “a Vatican observer here.” On May 19, Matthews asked for “Harry Truman to come back and do the job” – making reference to Truman’s seizure of the steel industry in 1952.


Unified Area Command press briefing

  • U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry
  • BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles
  • MMS Regional Director of the Gulf of Mexico Region Lars Herbst

The entrance location for press conferences at the Shell Robert Training and Conference Center has changed. Members of the media will enter the facility from the back gate. The address is 23260 Shell Lane in Robert, La., 70455-1928. A Unified Area Command joint information center representative will be at the gate at 12:30 p.m., to escort media.

The call-in number for press unable to attend: (877) 918-5750. International callers use (312) 470-7364 Password – RESPONSE (73776673). Live broadcast may be available on the Digital Video Information Distribution System (DVIDS) hub, which can be accessed at To see the live broadcast or download video of the conference, media must register with DVIDS no later than 1:45 p.m. This can be done on the DVIDS Web site or by calling (678) 421-6612.

Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
05/17/2010 at 03:00PM

EPA/NOAA Dispersants Conference Call

There will be a question and answer conference call with subject matter experts to discuss details regarding dispersants.


  • Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, EPA
  • Paul Anastas, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development, EPA
  • Dana Tulis, Acting Office Director, Office of Emergency Management, EPA
  • Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, NOAA
  • Dave Westerholm, Director, NOAA Office of Response and Restoration.

The call-in number for this event: (888) 324-7105. International callers use (312) 470-0116 Password – RESPONSE (73776673).

Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
05/12/2010 at 04:00PM

Unified Command press briefing

U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles.

Unified Command to update media on ongoing operations regarding Deepwater Horizon oil spill response efforts and progress.

Shell Robert Training and Conference Center, 23260 Shell Lane in Robert, La., 70455-1928. A Unified Area Command joint information center representative will be at the gate at 1:30 p.m., to escort media.

The call-in number for press unable to attend: (877) 918-5750. International callers use (312) 470-7364 Password – RESPONSE (73776673). Live broadcast may be available on the Digital Video Information Distribution System (DVIDS) hub, which can be accessed at To see the live broadcast or download video of the conference, media must register with DVIDS no later than 1:45 p.m. This can be done on the DVIDS Web site or by calling (678) 421-6612.

Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
05/12/2010 at 03:00PM

Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation Public Hearing Day Two

A public hearing for the joint investigation will be held May 11-12, 2010 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2829 Williams Blvd., Kenner, La.

The purpose of this joint investigation is to develop conclusions and recommendations as they relate to the Deepwater Horizon MODU explosion and loss of life on April 20, 2010. The facts collected at this hearing, along with the lead investigators’ conclusions and recommendations will be forwarded to Coast Guard Headquarters and MMS for approval. Once approved, the final investigative report will be made available to the public and the media. No analysis or conclusions will be presented during the hearing.


  • Michael Saucier – MMS Regulatory and Inspection Programs
  • Capt. Verne Gifford – 8th Coast Guard District Chief of Prevention
  • Lt. Cmdr. Michael Odom – Liquefied Gas Carrier National Center of Expertise, National Technical Advisor
  • Lt. Barbara Wilk – Investigating Officer, Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Morgan City
  • Brian Bubar – Deputy Commissioner Maritime Affairs, Republic of Marshall Islands
  • Capt. Thomas Heinan – Deputy Commissioner Maritime Affairs, Republic of Marshall Islands
Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation
05/12/2010 at 09:00AM

Media Availability with Sec. Napolitano and Gov. Riley

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano will travel to Mobile, Ala., on Tuesday, May 11, to inspect ongoing operations to minimize the Deepwater BP Oil Spill’s impact on public health, the environment and the economy—part of the federal government’s continued oversight and emphasis on interagency coordination in response to the spill.

During her visit, Secretary Napolitano will join Alabama Governor Bob Riley to tour the Mobile Incident Command Center, meet with federal, state and local officials to discuss the response effort and participate in a media availability.

Mobile Incident Command Center
1 Water Street
Mobile, Ala.

Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center
05/11/2010 at 04:45PM

Current issues related to offshore oil and gas development (Rescheduled)

Review current issues related to offshore oil and gas development including the Department of the Interior’s recent five year planning announcements and the accident in the Gulf of Mexico involving the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon.

Rescheduled from May 6.


Panel 1

  • Dr. F.E. Beck, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University
  • Bud Danenberger, Former Chief, Offshore Regulatory Program, Minerals Management Service

Panel 2

  • Lamar McKay, President and Chairman, BP America, Inc.
  • Steven Newman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Transocean Limited
  • Tim Probert, President, Global Business Lines; Chief Health, Safety and Environmental Officer, Halliburton
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
366 Dirksen

05/11/2010 at 10:00AM

Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation Public Hearing Day One

A public hearing for the joint investigation will be held May 11-12, 2010 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2829 Williams Blvd., Kenner, La.

The purpose of this joint investigation is to develop conclusions and recommendations as they relate to the Deepwater Horizon MODU explosion and loss of life on April 20, 2010. The facts collected at this hearing, along with the lead investigators’ conclusions and recommendations will be forwarded to Coast Guard Headquarters and MMS for approval. Once approved, the final investigative report will be made available to the public and the media. No analysis or conclusions will be presented during the hearing.


  • Kevin Robb – Coast Guard Eighth District Search and Rescue Specialist
  • Alwin Landry – Master M/V DAMON B. BANKSTON
  • Anthony Gervaso – Engineer M/V DAMON B. BANKSTON
  • Paul Erickson – Chief Mate M/V DAMON B. BANKSTON
  • Frank Patton – MMS Permitting
  • Eric Neal – MMS Inspector
  • Bob Neal – MMS Inspector

Streaming on

Deepwater Horizon Marine Board of Investigation
05/11/2010 at 09:00AM