Green Power Conferences
09/11/2007 at 12:00AM
San Francisco, 11-12 September 2007
As the GHG market transitions from voluntary trading to compliance with state (and surely soon federal) requirements, projections are that the annual global volumes of GHG credits will increase from $21.6m (2006) to reach $60 billion and may eventually top $1 trillion.
This unique meeting will bring together the leading US and International experts together for two days of intense, information rich presentations, debates and networking. Understand how one of the World’s largest future commodity markets will develop and impact upon your business.
- Commissioner Jeffrey Byron, California Energy Commission
- Terry Tamminen, Energy & Environmental Advisor to Governor Schwarzenegger
- Allen Alley, Deputy Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office, State of Oregon
- Richard Saines, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, USA
- Veronique Bugnion, Managing Director, Point Carbon, USA
- David N. Reschke, Noble Carbon Credits, Canada
- Ian Carter, Policy Coordinator, North America, International Emissions Trading Association IETA, Canada
- Thomas D. Peterson, Executive Director, The Center for Climate Strategies, USA
- Angus Duncan, Oregon Carbon Allocation Task Force, USA
- Doug Scott, Chair, Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group, USA
- Josh Bushinsky, Western Policy Coordinator, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, USA
- Gia Schneider, Vice President, Credit Suisse, USA
- Imtiaz Ahmad, VP, Morgan Stanley, UK
- Blake Schaefer, Director, Global Environmental Finance, Stark Investments
- Roger Williams, VP – Portfolio Development, Blue Source
- Marc Stuart, Co-founder, Director of New Business Development, EcoSecurities
- Barbara McKee, Director CSLF, Chair IEA Working Party on Fossil Fuels & Director of Clean Energy Collaboration, DOE, USA
- George Peridas, Science Fellow, Climate Center, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Arthur Lee, CSLF Stakeholder; Principal Advisor, Global Policy & Strategy, Chevron, U.S.A
- Len Eddy, Managing Director, Agcert International, Canada
- David B. Layzell, President and CEO, BIOCAP Canada Foundation, Canada
- Richard A. Birdsey, Program Manager, Global Change Research, USDA Forest Service
- Doug Wikizer, Chief Environmental Protection and Regulations, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, USA
- Lisa Jacobson, Executive Director, Business Council for Sustainable Energy, USA
- Nathan Clark, Director, Offset Projects/Economist, Chicago Climate Exchange, USA
- Ricardo Bayon, Director, The Ecosystem Marketplace
- Cameron Brooks, VP – Resource Development, Renewable Choice Energy
- Mike Bess, General Manager North America, Europe and Africa, Camco International, UK
- Meg Gottstein, Administrative Law Judge, California Public Utilities Commission
- Ned Helme, President, CCAP, Center for Clean Air Policy, USA
- Frank T. Princiotta, Director of the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA