Is Subsidizing Commercial Energy Projects the Best Way for America to Achieve its Energy Goals?

Heritage Foundation
District of Columbia
03/24/2009 at 12:00PM

The ethanol mandate taught us that energy subsidies for commercial energy projects can lead to unintended consequences and ultimately be counterproductive. Yet Washington’s attempts to address America’s energy questions continue to rely heavily on preferences, mandates, and subsidies for energy commercialization. This is causing energy experts from across the political spectrum to begin questioning the role of subsidies in energy policy. Is this an area where liberals and conservatives might agree?

Join us for a panel with four politically diverse energy experts who will discuss these questions and others as they investigate where agreement exists on the role of energy subsidies, mandates, and preferences in commercializing energy in the United States.


  • Peter Bradford, Vermont Law School, former NRC Commissioner and Union of Concerned Scientists Board Member
  • Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Doug Koplow, Founder, Earth Track
  • Ben Lieberman, Senior Policy Analyst, Energy and Environment, The Heritage Foundation


  • Jack Spencer, Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy Policy, The Heritage Foundation
  • Henry Sokolski, Executive Director, Nonproliferation Policy Education Center (NPEC)

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