House Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth
12/06/2023 at 10:00AM
On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., in room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Committee on Natural Resources will hold a mark-up on the following bills:
- H.R. 1449 (Rep. Fulcher), “Committing Leases for Energy Access Now Act” or the “CLEAN Act”, which requires the Department of the Interior to increase the frequency of lease sales under the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 and establishes deadlines for consideration of geothermal drilling permits.;
- H.R. 3250 (Rep. Morelle), “National Museum of Play Recognition Act”;
- H.R. 3396 (Rep. Harder), “Fire Department Repayment Act of 2023”;
- H.R. 5490 (Rep. Kiggans), “Bolstering Ecosystems Against Coastal Harm Act” or the “BEACH Act”;
- H.R. 6009 (Rep. Boebert), “Restoring American Energy Dominance Act” (Amendments to H.R. 6009 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute);
- H.R. 6011 (Rep. Valadao), “Right-Of-Way Application Transparency and Accountability Act” or the “ROWATA Act”;
- H.R. 6233 (Rep. LaHood), “Community Reclamation Partnerships Act”; and
- H.R. 6285 (Rep. Stauber), “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023” (Amendments to H.R. 6285 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute).