Posted by on 08/22/2009 at 07:11PM
From the Wonk Room.

American Energy Alliance staffers Kevin Kennedy, Patrick Creighton, and
Laura Henderson on tour in Pennsylvania. All are former House
GOP staff.
The American Energy Alliance (AEA), a new polluter front group, is
touring the nation to smear President Barack Obama’s clean energy reform
agenda. Employees riding the “American Energy Express” bus are spreading
the conservative claim that the American Clean Energy and Security Act
will “cripple our sluggish
AEA is the 501 c(4) offshoot of the Institute
for Energy Research, a right-wing oil-industry think tank run by Robert
Bradley, a former speechwriter for Kenneth Lay. E&E News reports that
AEA’s “Energy Town Hall” bus
tour pictures
workers in hard hats:
The American Energy Alliance, which is affiliated with the
conservative Institute for Energy Research, has begun a four-week bus
tour to county fairs, sporting events and public meetings in several
coal-reliant states. Representatives of the group will travel in a
large blue bus carrying the slogan “Stop the National Energy Tax, Save
American Jobs” and a picture of workers in hard hats. They will cross
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Virginia. Yesterday,
AEA officials participated in a rally with
another group, Americans for Prosperity, in Zanesville, Ohio; a day
earlier, they visited a county fair in western Pennsylvania.
AEA argues it has “no ties to any political
AEA has no ties to any political party, and it has no interest in
supporting the agenda of any particular political party.
However, AEA is tightly connected to the
Republican Party and right-wing oil interests. In fact, all of its
are former House Republican staffers:
Posted by Brad Johnson on 08/21/2008 at 07:44AM
A report from the Public Campaign Action Fund on 2008 spending by oil
and coal industries
finds that they are on track to spend about one billion dollars this
year on lobbying, political contributions, and advertising. The full
amasses the following expenditures:
Amounts in millions |
Coal/Electric Utilities |
Oil/Gas |
Total |
Political Contributions |
$16.5 |
$20.9 |
$37.4 |
Lobbying Expenditures |
73.7 |
55.3 |
129.0 |
Paid Media |
7.4 |
201.2 |
208.6 |
Other Political Spending |
40.0 |
12.2 |
52.2 |
Total |
$137.6 |
$289.6 |
$427.2 |
Lobbying expenditures and political contributions come from Center for
Responsive Politics data compiled from
public disclosures. Paid media figures are from
TNS Media Intelligence, the industry standard
for tracking media spending.
The “other political spending” comes from the coal industry group
Americans for Balanced Energy
/ American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ABEC/ACCCE) and from
Newt Gingrich’s 527 corporation, American Solutions for Winning the
Future (ASWF).
On Wednesday evening, July 9, Americans for Prosperity will host a
national Tele Town Hall meeting with U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint of South
Carolina—one of the top free-market leaders in America.
As everybody knows, gas prices are out of control, yet some in Congress
continue to push legislation like a $1.2 trillion global warming carbon
tax hike that will only make matters worse. At the same time, Congress
is blocking legislation that would allow us to increase energy
production and supplies here at home.
During Wednesday’s Telephone Town Hall meeting, Senator DeMint and
AFP President Tim Phillips will discuss with
participants how Al Gore and his environmental extremist policies are
driving up the price of gasoline, increasing home energy costs, and
killing jobs.
They’ll be discussing what is at stake, and what we can all do to help
Senator DeMint fight the good fight in Washington. Callers will also
have the opportunity to ask Senator DeMint a question.
The Telephone Town Hall meeting begin on Wednesday beginning at 7:10
p.m. Eastern time. That’s 6:10 in the Central time zone, 5:10 Mountain
time and 4:10 p.m. on the West Coast.
To join, you can simply dial in at 7:10 p.m. Eastern time by calling
toll-free to 1-877-229-8493 and entering the
PIN code 13896.
Americans for Prosperity
07/09/2008 at 07:10PM