U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Chair of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, will convene an Executive Session at 10 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, to consider several pieces of legislation.
- S. 1472 Improving Spectrum Coordination Act
- S. 4101 Combating Human Rights Abuses Act of 2022
- S. 4109 National R&D Strategy for Distributed Ledger Technology Act of 2022
- S. 4217 Transportation Fuel Market Transparency Act
- S. 4237 Fire Ready Nation Act of 2022
- S. 4246 Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act
The Transportation Fuel Market Transparency Act creates the Transportation Fuel Monitoring and Enforcement Unit in the FTC, whose responsibilities would include “Determining whether excessive concentration or exclusive control of energy-related infrastructure may allow or result in anti-competitive behaviors.”
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
253 Russell
05/25/2022 at 10:00AM