The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to learn
about national renewable electricity portfolio standards such as the one
included in the House energy bill (HR 3221, Sect. 9611) as the House and
Senate go to conference on the energy bill. A Renewable Portfolio
Standard (RPS) is a market-based mechanism that requires utilities to
gradually increase the portion of electricity produced from renewable
resources such as wind, biomass, geothermal, solar, incremental
hydropower and marine energy. Twenty-five states and the District of
Columbia have RPSs, covering over 40 percent of the nation’s electrical
load. A national RPS has passed the Senate in
the last three Congresses, although it is not included in the Senate
energy bill (HR.6).
A national RPS has many attributes that can
benefit all states, including lowering natural gas prices, providing
manufacturing jobs, improving air quality, reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and creating larger, stable markets for renewable energy
technologies. A June analysis by the US Energy Information
Administration (EIA) of a national RPS
proposed by Senate Energy Committee Chair Bingaman (D-NM) requiring
electric utilities to acquire 15 percent of their electricity from
renewable energy sources by 2020, found net consumer cost to increase
just 0.3 percent through 2030 compared to the reference case.
EIA also found that by 2030, prices for
natural gas and coal, two key fuels for the electric power sector, are
lower with the RPS than in the reference case.
Speakers for this event include:
- Leon Lowery, Majority Staff, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural
- Chris Namovicz, Operations Research Analyst, Energy Information
- Dr. Marie Walsh, Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural
Economics, University of Tennessee
- Jeff Deyette, Energy Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Bill Prindle, Deputy Director, American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy
Some are concerned that not all states, particularly those in the
Southeast, have sufficient renewable resources to satisfy a national
RPS. In 2005, bioenergy was the largest
component of renewable electricity production in the nation, comprising
56 percent of all renewable electricity and 1.3 percent of total
electricity. This percentage can be increased significantly since each
state has important biomass resources that can be utilized sustainably
to produce clean, renewable, domestic energy. According to the
EIA analysis, biomass generation-from
dedicated biomass plants and existing coal plants co-firing with biomass
fuel-grows the most by 2030, more than tripling from 102 billion
kilowatt-hours (kwh) in the reference case to 318 billion kwh with the
RPS policy. In addition to renewable energy,
HR 3221 includes four percent energy
efficiency (25 percent of the RPS credits) as
part of the standard, which allows states to make use of low-cost
efficiency opportunities to help meet the standard. At least three
states (including Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania) include
energy efficiency as part of their RPS. In
August 2007, North Carolina enacted a Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Portfolio Standard requiring all investor-owned utilities in
the state to supply 12.5 percent of 2020 retail electricity sales in the
state from eligible energy resources by 2021.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
253 Russell
11/01/2007 at 02:00PM