The National Council for Science and the Environment invites you to
participate in the 8th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the
Environment to develop and advance science-based solutions to climate
Join us in the dialogue with leading scientists, policy makers, industry
leaders, educators, and other solutions-oriented innovators to develop
comprehensive strategies for protecting people and the planet against
the threat of climate change.
The three-day conference will be held January 16-18, 2008, at the Ronald
Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. An
interactive agenda
features skill-building
workshops, targeted
breakout sessions,
plenary sessions, and
symposia to provide
participants with an expansive understanding of climate change
solutions—and how we can achieve them.
National Council for Science and the Environment
District of Columbia
01/16/2008 at 08:00AM
Posted by Brad Johnson on 12/28/2007 at 03:53PM
The National Environmental Trust released a
earlier this month in conjunction with the Bali
entitled Taking Responsibility: Why the United States Must Lead the
World in Reducing Global Warming
The report puts into graphic terms the U.S. share of global warming
pollution: 42 states individually emit more
C02 than 100 developing countries. Even
Wyoming, the most sparsely populated state in the U.S., with only
510,000 people, emits more carbon dioxide than 69 developing countries
that are home to 357 million. The report includes profiles for every
state and the District of Columbia.
On December 18, the Brookings Institution will host Senator Richard G.
Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
for a conversation on the lack of action on U.S. energy security and
the challenges the next president will face on this
issue. Indiana’s
longest-serving senator, Lugar was first elected in 1976, and is
recognized as one of the nation’s leading voices on foreign relations
and national security.
U.S. dependence on increasingly scarce fossil fuels threatens U.S.
security while also undermining international stability. Absent
revolutionary changes in energy policy, U.S. foreign policy goals may be
undermined, living standards may erode, and the U.S. may become highly
vulnerable to the machinations of rogue states. These are the urgent
security questions facing the next U.S. president.
In his address, Senator Lugar will discuss the need for leadership by
the next president in combating energy threats to U.S. national
security. Brookings Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy Carlos
Pascual will provide introductory remarks and moderate the discussion.
After the program, Senator Lugar will take audience questions.
Introduction and Moderator
- Carlos Pascual, Vice President and Director
Featured Speaker
- Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.)
Falk Auditorium The Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Contact: Brookings Office of Communications
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 202.797.6105
Brookings Institution
District of Columbia
12/18/2007 at 09:00AM
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
419 Dirksen
12/13/2007 at 02:30PM
The Global Climate Campaign
intends synchronised demonstrations around the world on Saturday
December 8th 2007 – in as many places as possible – to call on world
leaders to take urgent action on climate change.
The ‘Call to Action’ for these demonstrations and related events that
will take place on December 8th 2007 is as follows :
“We demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that
is needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global
climate, so that the entire world can move as rapidly as possible to a
stronger emissions reductions treaty which is both equitable and
effective in preventing dangerous climate change.
We also demand that the long-industrialised countries that have
emitted most greenhouse gases up to now take most of the
responsibility for the adaptive measures that have to be taken,
especially by low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.”
We feel that there is an overwhelming need to create a groundswell of
global opinion to push for the urgent and radical action on climate
change, without which we risk a global catastrophe of unimaginable
Global Climate Campaign
12/08/2007 at 12:00AM
Posted by Brad Johnson on 11/29/2007 at 02:49PM
Presaging next week’s Climate Change Conference in
the United Nations has released its 2007-2008 Human Development
Report, a call to
action on climate change using stark moral language.
Climate change is the defining human development issue of our
generation. All development is ultimately about expanding human
potential and enlarging human freedom. It is about people developing
the capabilities thatempower them to make choices and to lead lives
that they value. Climate change threatens to erode human freedoms and
limit choice. It calls into question the Enlightenment principle that
human progress will make the future look better than the past. . .
Our starting point is that the battle against climate change can—and
must—be won. The world lacks neither the financial resources nor the
technological capabilities to act. If we fail to prevent climate
change it will be because we were unable to foster the political will
to cooperate.
Such an outcome would represent not just a failure of political
imagination and leadership, but a moral failure on a scale
unparalleled in history. During the 20th Century failures of political
leadership led to two world wars. Millions of people paid a high price
for what were avoidable catastrophes. Dangerous climate change is the
avoidable catastrophe of the 21st Century and beyond. Future
generations will pass a harsh judgement on a generation that looked at
the evidence on climate change, understood the consequences and then
continued on a path that consigned millions of the world’s most
vulnerable people to poverty and exposed future generations to the
risk of ecological disaster.
The New York Times coverage: U.N. Warns of Climate-Related
Posted by Brad Johnson on 11/20/2007 at 06:49PM
In a
to the heads of the Senate EPW and Foreign
Relations committees (Boxer, Inhofe, Biden, and Lugar), a large group of
development, faith-based, and environmental (including FoE, Greenpeace,
UCS, and NWF)
organizations write:
We urge you to take action to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in the United States that are contributing to these impacts
on impoverished countries, while also putting in place substantial
assistance for those countries to adapt to the widespread and serious
consequences of climate change. In particular, a significant
proportion of any revenue generated from climate policies, such as
auctions of emission permits, should be directed to the adaptation
needs of poor people and impoverished countries. To maximize those
resources, policies to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions should
ensure that the responsibility to pay for emissions reductions and
adaptation costs are borne equitably by those who are most responsible
for those emissions, such as through robust permit auctions.
The present version of Lieberman-Warner allocates 5% of auction revenues
to a Climate Change and National Security Fund “to enhance the national
security of the United States” and “assist in avoiding the politically
destabilizing impacts of climate change in volatile regions of the
world.” The August draft
allocated 10% of auction revenues to international aid; the initial
cut those revenues to 5% and allocated 3% of emissions allowances to
fighting tropical deforestation; in subcommittee
a Barrasso
was adopted to instead allocate those emissions allowances to states.
EE News reports:
Under the Lieberman-Warner legislation, an auction could create tens
or even hundreds of billions of dollars per year in new revenue
depending on how much industry pays on the market for greenhouse gas
credits. If the credits sold for $10 per ton of carbon dioxide, a 10
percent slice for international adaptation would equal $1 billion.
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer
(D-Calif.) supports including international assistance for adaptation
as part of the climate bill. But a Boxer aide said today that no
decision has been made on changes in the distribution of the
Lieberman-Warner bill’s auction revenue.
Posted by Brad Johnson on 11/16/2007 at 02:48PM
The Daily Star:
Bangladesh dated with a nightmare as cyclone Sidr ripped through the
southwestern coast late Thursday, killing over 700 people and
demolishing houses, crops, vegetables and trees alike along its trail
of devastation over an area of thousands of square kilometers.
Packing winds over 220km an hour, the fierce tropical storm roared
across the shoreline after it hit landfall at the Khulna-Barisal coast
at 7:30pm Thursday, cutting off all communications and utility
services across the country.
“I’ve never seen anything like this in my 47 years life,” Khalilur
Rahman, a government official in Patuakhali, told The Daily Star over
telephone last night. “It was a panic beyond description. People found
no way but to keep on screaming as long as the cyclone ran rampage
Dr. Jeff Masters,
Storm surge is usually the biggest killer in Bangladesh cyclones, and
was responsible for the vast majority of the 140,000 people killed in
the 1991 Bangladesh Cyclone. This storm struck eastern Bangladesh as a
Category 5 cyclone—the only Category 5 cyclone on record to hit the
country. The triangular shape of Bengal Bay funnels high surges into
the apex of the triangle where Bangladesh sits, and the shallow bottom
of the bay allows extraordinarily high storm surges to pile up. The
maximum storm surge from Sidr was probably 20-25 feet, and affected
the regions near and to the right of where the eye made landfall. The
eye fortunately came ashore in the Sundarbans Forest, the world’s
largest forest of mangrove trees. This region is the least populated
coastal area in the country. Storm surge levels of 10-20 feet probably
affected the provinces of Barguna and Paruakhali, which are more
heavily populated. Undoubtedly, the storm surge killed many more
people in these provinces, and Sidr’s death toll will go much higher.
However, Bangladesh has done a much better job providing shelters and
evacuating people during cyclones since the 1991 storm. Over 650,000
people did evacuate from Sidr, and it is unlikely the death toll will
put the storm on the list of the world’s deadliest cyclones of all
The International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent
Societies has launched an emergency
appeal for
The British-American Business Association
is holding an energy briefing & reception on “Climate Change and Energy
Policy – UK and US Policy Approaches and Perspectives”.
Panel Moderator:
- Professor Wilfrid Kohl, Director International Energy and Environment
Program, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns
Hopkins University
- The Honorable Karen Harbert, Assistant Secretary for Policy and
International Affairs, US Department of Energy [invited]
- David Thomas, First Secretary, Energy & Environment, British Embassy,
Washington DC
- John Jimison, Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, US
House of Representatives
- Chelsea Maxwell, Senior Policy Advisor to Senator John Warner of
Virginia [invited]
Organized by the BABA Energy and Environment
- 5:30 PM – Registration
- 6:00 – 7:30 PM – Presentation & Networking Reception
British Embassy Rotunda 3100 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC
Price: $40 / person (Members & their Guests) $50 / person (non-Members)
British American Business Association
District of Columbia
11/08/2007 at 05:30PM