“Sometimes in this country the greatest deliberative body in the world
acts as though it is the only deliberative body in the world, and that
we should wait until it gets its healthcare passed,” the EU’s ambassador
to the US, John Bruton, has complained. “The world cannot wait on the
Senate’s timetable.”
Ben Cardin (D-MD)
“We’re not at 60 votes yet. But there are a lot of potential senators
who could be part of that 60.” “We think we can get Republican support
for this bill. Not just one senator, but several.” “It’s not easy to
predict how we’ll complete the work this year. But we’re making every
effort to get it done this year. We’re certainly working toward
concrete progress before the Copenhagen meetings. I think we’re
clearly working with the goal of action this year.”
Tom Carper (D-DE)
“We always talk about silver linings. The fact we’ve slowed down on
health care I think gives us a chance to do a better job on the clean
energy front. We need to take advantage of that.”
Dick Durbin (D-IL)
“I wish we could have done everything we had to do by now, but it just
takes time. It’s a new president, a new Congress and a big agenda. It
just takes time.”
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
If the deal making in Copenhagen leads to a new pact that would harm
the U.S. economy, “no such treaty or agreement can be approved by the
Senate,” says Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.
John Kerry (D-MA)
Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.), Boxer’s lead
co-pilot in writing the climate bill, said that the authors are in
talks with their fellow Democrats on carbon market oversight, as well
as funding for clean coal technology, other low-carbon energy
technologies and adaptation. “There are a lot of different pieces,”
Kerry said. Asked how often he is counting votes, Kerry replied,
“Every day.”
“The U.S. has been dragging its feet for eight years.”
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
As for specifics, Boxer had been under pressure from her left to ramp
up the House-passed bill’s 2020 target from 17 percent to 20 percent.
“I don’t have to prevail on Senator Boxer,” said Sen. Frank Lautenberg
(D-N.J.). “She knows what’s right.” “I’m feeling pretty good about the
tactics, the strategy, that as much as possible, we’d like it to
include Republicans. The one thing I believe, bipartisanship is a
means, not an ends.”
Dick Lugar (R-IN)
“I don’t know that we’ve pulled back. It’s just the formulation from
the House I find objectionable on many grounds. Without jumping up and
down any further, I think more constructive ways of fighting climate
change can be found and I’ll be working to find it.”
John McCain (R-AZ)
When asked about Bruton’s criticism, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) shot
back, “Well, I don’t think there are 10 Americans that know who he
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
“I believe very strongly that action on climate change has to include
meaningful reductions. We have also got to make sure that we don’t
kick the economy in the head.”
“There are some who are saying that we have to hurry up and do it
yesterday because Copenhagen is coming. This is a serious enough issue
that we must take the time to do it right.”
Ben Nelson (D-NE)
“The alphabet agencies are not the fourth branch of government, and
they ought to take judicial notice of what’s happening and what’s not
happening in the Senate,” Nelson said last week when asked about the
prospect of EPA climate regulations.
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who opposed a global warming bill creating a
cap-and-trade system last year, said he doesn’t pay much attention to
what people from other countries say about the Senate. “We’re going to
do it the way we think it’s appropriate to do it. And we will not be
driven by their criticisms.”
Mark Warner (D-VA)
“I’m not sure that the Senate is going to be dictated by the timing in
December. It would be helpful to go to that very important meeting
with legislation, but I’m not sure people are going to feel
comfortable rushing it.”
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said the EU is right to blame the
Senate for blocking long-needed action. “Partly, it’s the fact that
healthcare is crowding everything else out, but it’s also partly
because the polluting industries see the Senate as a place where they
can hold 40 votes,” Whitehouse said.