2007 Weather Records

Posted by Brad Johnson on 27/12/2007 at 11:16AM

From the AP, some climatic changes:

  • Warmest January on record—global mean temperature 0.85 C above the 30-year mean
  • 8000 high-temperature records set or matched in August at US weather stations
  • Warmest April in England in 348 years, 0.6 C above 1865 record
  • Canadian Northwest Passage open for five weeks starting August 11, first time ever navigable
  • Arctic sea ice retreated to record minimum, 23% below 2005 record minimum
  • Greenland ice cap
  • Across North America, severe to extreme drought was present across large parts of the western U.S. and Upper Midwest, including southern Ontario
  • Extreme drought in Australia
  • Record Alaskan permafrost warming
  • Record rains fell in China, England and Wales

Other weather events:

  • A tornado struck New York City in August
  • A June cyclone struck Oman and Iran
  • South Africa got its first significant snowfall in 25 years
