Overview of EPA Investigations

Posted by on 05/08/2008 at 05:10PM

From the Wonk Room.

The scheduled Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing today on White House interference with ozone standards has been the hearing has been postponed because EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson refused to appear:

EPA officials say Johnson had a “recurrence of ongoing back issues stemming from a car accident years ago.”

Below is the current status of a number of EPA scandals Congress is expecting Administrator Johnson to answer for:

The denial of the California waiver petition.
  • January 8: California and 15 other states sue to overturn denial.
  • April 9: Waxman issues latest subpoena for documents involving White House.
  • April 22: NHTSA issues fuel-economy standards that it claims preempts state global warming standards; states warn of lawsuit.
Failure to obey Supreme Court mandate to make a global warming pollution endangerment finding.
  • March 27: EPA announces it will ask for a new round of comments.
  • April 2: Officials of 18 states sue to require the EPA to act within 60 days
  • April 2: EPA documents are subpoenaed by House Global Warming Committee; the documents have not been turned over.
  • April 18: Court orders EPA to file its response to the state suit by May 8.
White House interference in ozone standards.
  • April 16: Waxman subpoenas White House documents.
  • May 8: Date of scheduled Oversight Committee hearing with Administrator Johnson; postponed when Johnson refuses to appear.
Mary Gade firing.
  • May 1: EPA Region V Administrator Mary Gade resigns, saying “There’s no question this is about Dow.” Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Dingell (D-MI) announce intent to investigate.
  • May 7: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington file two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the EPA regarding Gade’s resignation.
Politicization of the EPA.
  • April 23: Union of Concerned Scientists issues survey of 1600 staff scientists describing mass politicization and political interference.
  • April 29: Sen. Boxer (D-CA) releases Goverment Accountability Office report detailing politicization of toxic regulation.
  • May 7: Senate Environment and Public Works Oversight Subcommittee holds hearing into politicization of EPA.