Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global Warming

Tue, 07 Aug 2007 22:00:00 GMT

Chris Mooney, Author of “Storm World” and Washington, DC correspondent for Seed Magazine

Are hurricanes getting stronger, or more frequent? And what role does climate change play in the weather patterns that shape them? Join us as science journalist Chris Mooney, author of a new book on the subject, explores those questions and the scientific and political issues that surround them.

At The Front Page, 4201 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22230

  • 6:00-6:30 Buy your drink/meal if you so desire
  • 6:30-8:00 Short presentation, followed by Q&A

Cafe Scientifique flourished first in the U.K. (see as a way for the public and scientists to mingle and discuss science issues in an informal setting. At least 35 cafés now exist in the U.S.

ABOUT THIS CAFE: The National Science Foundation initiated Café Scientifique (Arlington) and its occasional cousin in Washington D.C. in April 2006 to make science more accessible and accountable by featuring speakers whose expertise spans the sciences and who can talk in plain English. Generally held on first Tuesdays at the Front Page in Arlington. To suggest topics or speakers, complete a survey on-site.

FIND OUR MORE: To hear about upcoming cafés sponsored by NSF, subscribe to the NSF e-mail list. Send a message to [email protected] . In the text, write “subscribe cafesci.” Don’t add a signature. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)


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