07/27/2021 at 10:30AM
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is an independent agency within the Department of Energy, led by five commissioners. It regulates the interstate transmission and sale of electricity and natural gas, as well as the rates for transportation of oil by pipeline. FERC also oversees the permitting of interstate natural gas pipelines and related facilities, reviews proposals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and licenses hydroelectric projects. It is also responsible for the safety and inspection of dams associated with FERC-licensed projects. In addition to its licensing and ratemaking authorities, FERC oversees the wholesale electricity markets, protects the reliability of the electric grid, and reviews mergers, acquisitions, and corporate transactions by electricity companies, among other things. President Biden named Commissioner Richard Glick as FERC Chairman on January 21, 2021.
- Richard Glick, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Neil Chatterjee, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- James Danly, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Allison Clements, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Mark C. Christie, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission