Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

House Appropriations Committee
Senate Appropriations Committee
   Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee

05/17/2022 at 09:00AM

Hearing page


I am pleased to have this opportunity to discuss the President’s $26 billion budget request for NASA for Fiscal Year 2023. This budget will keep us at the forefront of exploration and discovery through daring and challenging missions like Artemis, which includes returning American astronauts to the Moon as early as 2025. This budget will help our Nation – and the world – address climate change.

This request is the largest request for science funding in NASA history at nearly $8.0 billion.

This Budget provides $2.41 billion for NASA’s Earth science portfolio and expands NASA’s role as a leading provider of satellite Earth observations and other data scientists need to understand the climate crisis.

With this Budget, NASA increases funding for Aeronautics to $972 million. To meet aggressive climate goals, the Sustainable Flight National Partnership (SFNP) with U.S. industry envisions innovative next generation single-aisle transports with game-changing, ultra-efficient, and lowcarbon emitting designs at least 25 percent more fuel-efficient than today’s airliners. Under the SFNP, NASA will demonstrate the first-ever high-power hybrid electric propulsion for large transport aircraft and ultra-high efficiency long and slender wings, as well as advanced composite structures produced four to six times faster than current state-of-the-art advanced engine technologies. The centerpiece of SFNP will be a full-scale technology demonstrator X-plane to test and validate integrated systems and theirbenefits.