House Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth
05/17/2023 at 10:00AM
On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., in room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Committee on Natural Resources will hold a mark-up
Bills expected to move by regular order:
- H.Con.Res. 34 (Rep. Stauber), Expressing disapproval of the withdrawal by the Secretary of the Interior of approximately 225,504 acres of National Forest System lands in Cook, Lake, and Saint Louis Counties, Minnesota, from disposition under the United States mineral and geothermal leasing laws;
- H.R. 200 (Rep. Rosendale), “Forest Information Reform Act” or the “FIR Act” (Amendments to H.R. 200 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute, which will be circulated on Monday, May 15), to reverse the Cottonwood decision requiring the U.S. Forest Service to reinitiate Endangered Species Act consultation on completed forest plans when a new species is listed, when critical habitat is designated, or when new information is brought forward.
- H.R. 1586 (Rep. LaMalfa), “Forest Protection and Wildland Firefighter Safety Act of 2023” (Amendments to H.R. 1586 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute);
- H.R. 2989 (Rep. McCarthy), “Save Our Sequoias Act” (Amendments to H.R. 2989 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute); and
- H.R. 3195 (Rep. Stauber), “Superior National Forest Restoration Act” (Amendments to H.R. 3195 must be drafted to the amendment in the nature of a substitute).
Testimony from Forest Watch on the Save Our Sequoias [sic] Act: “Prescribed fire can be used successfully in giant sequoia groves without the need for mechanical tree removal beforehand, rendering the Save Our Sequoias Act misguided and unnecessary.”
Bills expected to move by unanimous consent:
- H.R. 359 (Rep. Gonzalez-Colon), “Fort San Gerónimo Preservation Act”;
- H.R. 663 (Rep. Gallego), “Native American Child Protection Act”;
- H.R. 886 (Rep. Bonamici), “Save Our Seas 2.0 Amendments Act”