11 2009
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EPA Investigating Legality of Coal River Mountain Destruction
posted in
EPA, coal, West Virginia, MTR
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Senate Watch: Boxer, Harkin, Kerry, Lugar, Lautenberg, Voinovich
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HR 2454, S 1733, Kerry-Boxer
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An Incomplete List of Senate Holds on Obama Administration Nominees
posted in
NOAA, DOE, EPA, Senate, Interior, Obama
10 2009
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Senate Watch, Targets and Allocations: Bond, Byrd, Carper, Casey, Dorgan, Graham, Inhofe, Murkowski, Rockefeller, Specter, Vitter, Voinovich
posted in
HR 2454, S 1733, Kerry-Boxer, Waxman-Markey
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Senate Watch, Strength of Targets: Baucus, Boxer, Graham, Inhofe, Kerry, Lautenber, Sanders, Specter, Stabenow, Voinovich
posted in
HR 2454, S 1733, Kerry-Boxer, Waxman-Markey
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S. 1733, Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act: Impacts & Adaptation
posted in
S 1733, Kerry-Boxer