07 2009
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Senate Watch: Alexander, Bond, Boxer, Carper, Chambliss, Corker, Inhofe, Kerry, Kyl, Landrieu, Lincoln, McCain, Murkowski, Reid, Voinovich, Whitehouse
posted in
Senate, Waxman-Markey
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Connecting the Dots: Flooding, Global Warming, Floodplain (Mis)Management, & National Legislation
posted in
floods, NWF
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State Energy and Climate Actions: Agriculture, Forestry and Waste Management
posted in
states, agriculture
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Tom Kenworthy: Climate Change Will Bring More Billion-Dollar Droughts for U.S. Farmers
posted in
agriculture, droughts
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ExxonMobil Continues Funding Global Warming Denial Groups Despite Repeated Pledges to Stop
posted in
ExxonMobil, Heritage, NPCA, AEI
06 2009
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Inhofe Calls for Criminal Investigation into Why EPA 'Suppressed' a Global Warming Denier
posted in
Inhofe, media, EPA, Carlin
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Artur Davis: Waxman-Markey Will 'Wreak Havoc' on Alabama's Struggling Economy
posted in
Waxman-Markey, HR 2454, Artur Davis, Alabama
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A Score of Amendments Incorporated into Final Version of Waxman-Markey
posted in
Waxman-Markey, HR 2454, HR 2998
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WonkLine: June 17, 2009
posted in
Byrd, Utah, Boswell, Iowa, Waxman-Markey, HR 2454, Gore, mountaintop removal