From Risk to Resilience: Reauthorizing the Earthquake and Windstorm Hazards Reduction Programs

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
   Research and Technology Subcommittee
2318 Rayburn

01/30/2024 at 02:00PM

The purpose of the hearing is to review federal natural hazard research and development (R&D) programs, specifically, the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program (NWIRP) and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), to examine the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of the interagency effort, and to receive recommendations for future reauthorization of the programs.

Hearing charter


  • Jason Averill, Deputy Director of the Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Edward Laatsch, P.E., Director, Safety, Planning, and Building Science Division, Risk Analysis, Planning and Information Directorate, Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Dr. Gavin Hayes, Earthquake Hazards Program Coordinator, United States Geological Survey
  • Dr. Susan Margulies, Assistant Director for Engineering, National Science Foundation