Co Sponsored by: DoD, DoE, USDA, EPA, DoT,
DHS, FERC, Commerce, State, and
DNI on behalf of the entire intelligence
5:45 PM -8:30 PM Doubletree Hotel, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA
Wind technology is evolving rapidly and becoming more cost effective
compared to conventional generation sources.
This month’s Energy Conversation will review the evolution of the
technology over the past 25 years and evaluate the future development
expected. Dr. Bob Thresher, Director of The National Wind Technology
Center, and Rob Gramlich, Policy Director at The American Wind Energy
Association, will illustrate the future potential for development both
on land and in the ocean and describe the challenges.
Rob Gramlich is Policy Director of the American Wind Energy
Association, the trade association for over 1000 entities involved in
development, manufacturing, and construction of wind energy facilities.
He leads the association’s policy analysis, regulatory policy, electric
industry, and transmission efforts. He was Economic Advisor to Chairman
Pat Wood III of the US Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission from 2001 to 2005 and has held market and policy
analysis positions with the PG&E National Energy Group,
PJM Interconnection, the World Resources
Institute, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He has a
Masters in Public Policy from UC Berkeley and a BA with honors in
Economics from Colby College.
Dr. Bob Thresher is the Director of the National Wind Technology
Center in Golden, Colorado, which is a division of the U.S. Department
of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). He earned a
tenured professorship in Mechanical Engineering at Oregon State
University where he taught courses in Applied Mechanics, and initiated
pioneering researcher in the mechanics of Wind Energy Systems during the
1970’s and early 80’s. He joined NREL in 1984
and has provided leadership for the growth of
NREL’s wind program from $5MM/year at its
inception, to its current level of about $30MM/year. He has published
extensively and is recognized internationally as one of the leading
experts in research, development and commercialization of wind
technologies. He also serves as a member of the Advisory Panel on Ocean
Energy Technologies for the Electric Power Research Institute.
- Registration is not mandatory but
STRONGLY encouraged
- Refreshments: A vegetarian friendly buffet is available for $10.
- Transportation. The Pentagon City Metro on the blue/yellow line is
just 3 blocks from the hotel.
- Parking: Street parking is limited. Hotel parking with validation
costs $8.
To register for this event email Sarah Minczeski at: [email protected]
Department of Defense
07/23/2007 at 05:45PM