A roll call vote is expected at about 9:20 am on the motion to invoke
cloture on the energy
as passed by the House of
on December 6.
By a vote of of
the cloture motion failed.
The following Democrats voted against cloture:
- Bayh (D-IN)
- Byrd (D-WV)
- Landrieu (D-LA)
The following Republicans voted for cloture:
- Coleman (R-MN)
- Collins (R-ME)
- Smith (R-OR)
- Snowe (R-ME)
- Thune (R-SD)
The following Republicans voted against cloture but previously had
for the earlier Senate version of H.R.
which included the CAFE standard, but not
RES or the tax title:
- Corker (R-TN)
- Craig (R-ID)
- Crapo (R-ID)
- Domenici (R-NM)
- Ensign (R-NV)
- Lugar (R-IN)
- Sessions (R-AL)
- Specter (R-PA)
- Stevens (R-AK)
- Sununu (R-NH)
The following Republicans voted against cloture but previously had voted
for energy tax provisions similar to those in the House
- Crapo (R-ID)
- Lugar (R-IN)
- Grassley (R-IA)
- Roberts (R-KS)
Following the vote, the chamber resumed consideration of the farm bill
(HR 2419).
U.S. Senate
12/07/2007 at 09:00AM
Posted by Brad Johnson on 12/06/2007 at 11:38PM
that yesterday evening a bipartisan deal was struck on how to manage the
farm bill debate. The deal limits the number of amendments evenly
between parties at twenty each. The farm bill had been stalled before
the Thanksgiving
and is under a veto threat.
As Sen. Reid announced this morning on the Senate floor, Sens. Harken
and Chambliss will be managing the amendment process. Votes on the
amendments and the bill will take place on Tuesday, December 11.
Senate Democrats will hold a news conference to discuss the nutrition
programs in the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007 (HR 2419 – Farm,
Nutrition and Bioenergy Act of 2007) and the impact they will have on
children’s health. The bill would expand access to the Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Program and increase funding, grants and research to growers
of fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops. Contact: Jim Manley at
- Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
- Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.)
- Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
- Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
U.S. Senate
S-120 Capitol
11/07/2007 at 02:00PM
Posted by Brad Johnson on 11/07/2007 at 10:46AM
Senate debate on the farm bill (HR 2419/S 2302/SA 3500) stalled
yesterday when Republicans objected to a unanimous consent resolution
that only germane amendments could be proposed. Reid responded by
filling the amendment
with germane amendments, including the Grassley-Dorgan amendment to
limit farm payments (SA 3508) and the Lugar-Lautenberg
FRESH Act (S 2228) as a substitute bill.
Also yesterday the White House announced its intentions to veto the
Senate version of the farm bill (Harkin, S
2302/SA 3500), stating its opposition for budget accounting
reasons, though its opposition to the kinds of subsidy reforms in the
Harkin bill is also known.
If the farm bill is stalled through the Thanksgiving recess beginning at
the end of next week, Reid said subjects the Senate may consider
- a repeal of the estate tax
- Iraq war amendments
- labor issues
Posted by Brad Johnson on 07/30/2007 at 06:23PM
From CQ.com: Broader Policy Overhaul May Be in Store as Senate Takes Up
Farm Bill.
- Senate will take up bill after August recess; making the September 30
deadline unlikely
- Sen. Harkin, Ag Committee chair, plans much higher land-conservation
program funding than in House bill (HR 2419)
- Harkin and Grassley (R-Iowa) plan to cap annual payments to $250,000
from current cap of $360,000; HR 2419 has no
- Sen. Lugar (R-Ind.) supports FARM21, Ron
Kind’s proposal (H.AMDT 700)
- Sens. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Brown (D-Ohio) introduced the Farm Safety
Net Improvement Act last week, which ties “counter-cyclical” payments
(aka crop subsidy payments) to revenue (price times yield) instead of
the target price (see the American Farmland Trust
- Nutrition advocates are looking for better than the $4 billion
increase in the House bill
- Tax provisions to pay for the Senate bill will generate Republican
Full text below the fold.
Posted by Brad Johnson on 07/27/2007 at 04:56PM
By 231-191, the House
passed the farm bill (HR 2419) today. Highlights:
- The bill funds the energy title, which funds biofuels research and
development, energy efficiency programs and renewable-energy projects,
by reversing $6.1 billion over ten years of the offshore drilling
royalty payments mistakenly granted to oil and gas companies
- The bill found additional funding for food stamps by by ending a
practice known as “earnings stripping,” which lets foreign-owned
companies shift income to a country with lower tax rates, delivering
$7.8 billion over 10 years
- The Senate is expected to start debating its version of the
legislation after the August recess. Current programs expire Sept. 30
and it is unlikely Congress will be able to complete action on a new
five-year bill by then. Instead, a short-term extension of the law is
likely to be necessary.
- The $5 million per year Community Food Projects program to fight food
insecurity by funding projects that promote the self-sufficiency of
low-income communities was zeroed
Posted by Brad Johnson on 07/19/2007 at 11:53AM
Coverage of the farm bill (HR 2419) markup sessions (day
from around the Web: AP: Some Farmers Would Lose Subsidies Under Farm
The House Agriculture Committee voted Wednesday to ban federal
subsidies to farmers with incomes averaging more than $1 million a
year and stop farmers from collecting payments for multiple farm
Only farmers whose incomes exceed $2.5 million a year are now
disqualified from such aid.
CQ: Pelosi Eyes Pre-Recess Vote on Farm
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has been taking a hard look at moving
the farm bill through the House in a make-or-break week just before
August recess. But given the competing priorities, there are no
CQ: Labeling Fight Put Off As Farm Bill Markup Proceeds
Food labeling advocates and meat packers have been given a week to
strike a deal on mandatory country-of-origin labeling, temporarily
averting what was expected to be a heated debate over the hot-button
More coverage at the individual hearing pages
From CQ.com, coverage of Thursday’s markup:
Passed by voice vote:
- An amendment by Rep. Zack Space, D-Ohio, that would give broadband
companies that bring services to rural areas 35 years to repay
Agriculture Department loans. Currently, loans are typically paid off
in 10 to 15 years.
- An amendment by Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., that would create a
preference within USDA loan programs for
projects that process and distribute locally.
- An amendment by Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, D-S.D., that would set
aside federal dollars to help public television stations in rural
areas upgrade equipment.
- An amendment by Adrian Smith, R-Neb., that would include ethanol
by-product utilization as an objective of
USDA alternative energy research.
- An amendment by Conaway that would add goat meat to the list of
products that should be included under the country-of-origin labeling
- an amendment by Rep. Charles Boustany Jr., R-La., that would have
allowed states to hire outside contractors to administer food stamp
House Agriculture Committee
1300 Longworth
07/19/2007 at 10:00AM
From CQ.com, summaries of the amendment votes at
the markup session:
On the conservation front:
Farmers who earn too much to qualify for payments under the bil would
be barred from receiving payments under farmland conservation
programs, which worries environmentalists.
“Prohibiting and limiting large commercial farmers, in particular,
from participating in conservation programs makes no sense,” said
Scott Faber, who directs Environmental Defense’s farm policy campaign.
“Large commercial farmers are more likely to participate in
conservation programs and manage a disproportionately large share of
the landscape.”
Amendments passed:
- The “language barring farmers who make more than $1 million in annual
adjusted gross income from collecting government subsidies, and also
eliminating payments to those who earn $500,000 to $1 million a year
if less than 67 percent of that income comes from farming” was amended
by voice vote to “lift limits on marketing loans, which provide
short-term loans so farmers can pay their bills until they sell their
harvested crops. Aides said this concession by Peterson won support
from Southern lawmakers, who worried that the bill would otherwise
hurt cotton and rice growers.”
- An amendment by Bob Etheridge, D-N.C., that would make federal dollars
available to expand foreign markets for tobacco. The panel adopted the
amendment 14-10, with Peterson’s support. North Carolina Republican
Robin Hayes warned that without the support for U.S. growers, Chinese
growers would dominate the tobacco industry. North Dakota Democrat
Earl Pomeroy predicted the amendment would fail on the House floor. He
said it “would endure withering criticism for using U.S. dollars to
encourage other areas of the world to smoke.”
Passed by voice vote:
- An amendment by Tim Walz, D-Minn., that would make it easier for
farmers growing organic crops to enroll in the Conservation Security
- An amendment by Nick Lampson, D-Texas, that would create a one-time
incentive program to encourage the market growth of oilseeds, which
are lower in trans-fats.
- An amendment by Sam Graves, R-Mo., that would bar farmers or companies
defrauding the Agriculture Department from participating in the
agency’s programs.
- An amendment by K. Michael Conaway, R-Texas, that would prevent the
Agriculture Department from writing subsidy checks smaller than $25.
It costs the department too much to write checks for smaller amounts,
Conaway said.
- An amendment by Jim Costa, D-Calif., that would require 50 percent of
funding in the Regional Water Enhancement Program to be spent on new
water preservation projects. Waterways in California and elsewhere
could benefit from those federal dollars, Costa said.
House Agriculture Committee
1300 Longworth
07/18/2007 at 10:00AM