Research to Improve Water-Use Efficiency and Conservation: Technologies and Practices

On Tuesday, October 30, 2007 the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Science and Technology will hold a hearing to receive testimony on H.R. 3957, The Water- Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act of 2007. The purpose of the hearing is to evaluate the need for research and development of technologies and processes to enhance water use efficiency and water conservation. The Committee will also ascertain perspectives on current federal efforts to promote water-use efficiency and conservation through programs such as the WaterSense program of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


  • Glen Daigger, Vice President at CH2MHill
  • Ed Clerico, CEO of Alliance Environmental and Designer at the Solaire Project in NYC
  • Val Little, Director of the Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona
  • Ron Thompson, District Manager of the Washington County Water Conservancy District
  • John Veil, Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
   Energy Subcommittee
2318 Rayburn

10/30/2007 at 02:00PM