The House National Security and Department of State Appropriations Subcommittee (formerly State-Foreign Operations) will hold a hearing entitled “Mexico’s Water Treaty Violations and the Impact on Americans,” to discuss frustrations with the 1944 Water Treaty, under which the United States and Mexico share water from the Rio Grande and Colorado River.
“The panel will focus on Mexico’s looming shortfall on deliveries of flows from the Rio Grande to Texas farmers, which total more than 1.3 million acre-feet ahead of an October deadline.”
Rep. Monica De La Cruz (R-Texas)
Jed Murray, Director of Government Relations, Texas International Produce Association
*. Dale Murden, Grower and President, Texas Citrus Mutual
Jennifer Cervantes Washington Representative, Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers
On Tuesday, October 30, 2007 the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
of the Committee on Science and Technology will hold a hearing to
receive testimony on H.R. 3957, The Water- Use Efficiency and
Conservation Research Act of 2007. The purpose of the hearing is to
evaluate the need for research and development of technologies and
processes to enhance water use efficiency and water conservation. The
Committee will also ascertain perspectives on current federal efforts to
promote water-use efficiency and conservation through programs such as
the WaterSense program of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Glen Daigger, Vice President at CH2MHill
Ed Clerico, CEO of Alliance Environmental
and Designer at the Solaire Project in NYC
Val Little, Director of the Water Conservation Alliance of Southern
Ron Thompson, District Manager of the Washington County Water
Conservancy District
John Veil, Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory