Posted by Brad Johnson on 09/18/2007 at 10:17AM
According to, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chair
Barbara Boxer asked Joseph I. Lieberman, I-Conn., and John W. Warner,
R-Va., “to write a bill that would cap nationwide greenhouse gas
emissions.” They released the skeleton of the
in August and plan to introduce a final draft by the end of September.
However, “Because the climate-change issue is so complex, marking up the
bill will be no small task.” There are several other climate
including S. 309 (Sanders-Boxer) and S.1766
(Bingaman-Specter). reports that Harry Reid “plans to allow floor time for the
Lieberman-Warner bill this fall if it wins approval in Boxer’s
committee. No matter what the bill looks like, it will face procedural
objections that can be overcome only with a 60-vote majority. It is
unclear whether Reid would have enough votes to move beyond that
According to CQ, Energy and Commerce Committee chair John D. Dingell,
D-Mich., also intends to introduce climate legislation to reduce U.S.
greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent to 80 percent by 2050, although
he has not announced any specific plans for the bill.
A first hurdle is the reconciliation process for the energy
that passed each chamber (HR 3221, and the Senate version of
HR 6), which Dingell will be heavily involved
Dingell also announced his intentions to introduce global warming
for a carbon tax, a hike in the gas tax, and ending the McMansion
mortgage deduction (homes larger than 3,000 square feet) while
increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Low Income Home Energy
Assistance Program.
Posted by Brad Johnson on 08/13/2007 at 03:30PM
At his town hall
last week, House Energy and Commerce chairman John Dingell
the outline of his global warming legislative plan, which he will
introduce in committee on September 1:
- cap-and-trade system with an 80% cap by 2050
- $100 per ton CO2 emissions tax
- 50-cent increase in federal gax tax
- funding for research on renewable energy
- ending the McMansion mortgage deduction (homes larger than 3,000
square feet)
Glenn Hurwitz at Grist pens a stinging assessment of the chairman:
Dingell is
So far, he’s fought hard against all steps forward, but it hasn’t made
much difference in policy. That suggests that environmentalists and
Democrats would be well served to reconsider conventional wisdom about
Dingell. Partly because of his gratuitous and repeated swipes at
leadership and the environmental movement, his sway with both
leadership and rank-and-file Democrats is considerably less than it
once was. As the RES vote and Hoyer’s
prediction that Congress will pass aggressive fuel efficiency
standards shows, his support is no longer essential to passing major
environmental legislation. This doesn’t mean that Democrats or
environmentalists can ignore all sometime-opponents of environmental
progress within the caucus (some, like Gene Green and Charlie
Gonzalez, have shown that they retain considerable pull), but it does
mean we can stop obsessing about Dingell.
Earlier at Grist David Roberts criticized the Greenpeace activists
protesting Dingell’s recent efforts to block an increase in
CAFE standards: Dingell’s dimwitted
Argh. Silly, gimmicky, irrational crap. If this is what Dingell runs
into, it’s no wonder he holds green activists in such contempt.
Relative to what Dingell’s proposing, the difference between a 35mpg
CAFE (which he supports) and a 45mpg or
50mpg CAFE (which greens support) is
meaningless. Utterly and completely trivial. A distraction. If we
could get in place a carbon tax and a cap-and-trade system, the
effects will dwarf minor changes in CAFE.
Instead of hectoring Dingell about CAFE,
activists should be using their energy to push other legislators to
support these bills.
John Dingell’s second global warming town hall in Michigan’s 15th
University of Michigan – Dearborn Social Sciences Building 4901
Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48124
House Energy and Commerce
08/08/2007 at 05:30PM
During a Global Warming Town Hall meeting in Ann Arbor on Tuesday,
August 7, Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) will take questions
regarding a carbon tax bill he intends to introduce as part of a
multi-tiered approach to reducing carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas
Under Dingell’s leadership, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
passed energy efficiency legislation that would remove from the
atmosphere more than 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions
(through the year 2030), which is more than the annual emissions of all
cars on American roads today. The legislation is expected to pass the
full House this week.
In the fall, Dingell also plans to develop a comprehensive, mandatory,
economy-wide program with the goal of achieving as much as an 80 percent
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. He is a co-sponsor of the
Hill-Terry bill, HR 2927, which would mandate
separate car and truck standards to meet a total fleet fuel economy
standard between 32 and 35 mpg by 2022; increases up to 40 percent over
current standards.
Pioneer High School Schreiber Auditorium 601 W. Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor,
MI 48103
House Energy and Commerce
08/07/2007 at 03:30PM