The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to view
and ride in a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) on the Capitol Mall during
the Earth Day festivities. Flexible-fuel PHEVs offer a promising
opportunity to reduce dependence on imported oil, decrease greenhouse
gas and other transportation emissions, revitalize local economies, and
lower fuel costs. The single largest contributor to America’s foreign
oil dependence is the transportation sector which accounts for
two-thirds of US oil consumption. Moreover, the transportation sector is
97 percent dependent on petroleum.
The vehicle, an XH-150, was developed by the Bellevue, Washington-based
AFS Trinity Corp. and is a modified 2007
Saturn Vue Greenline SUV that gets up to 150
miles-per-gallon. Its energy storage system combines lithium-ion
batteries with ultracapacitors. Adding ultracapacitors allows the
vehicle to achieve top speeds and rapid acceleration in electric-only
mode equal to a conventional hybrid. For a typical daily commute of 40
miles round trip, the vehicle does not use its internal combustion
engine at all. The XH-150 was unveiled in January at Detroit’s North
American International Auto Show. Look for the
AFS Trinity Truck on the Mall.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
District of Columbia
04/20/2008 at 12:00PM
This hearing is the first in a series of hearings exploring emerging
themes in transportation policy and practice, the needs of our national
surface transportation system, and the reauthorization of our surface
transportation laws. The Subcommittee will continue this series by
holding hearings in the near future on the issues surrounding freight
access and goods movement, infrastructure preservation and
modernization, highway safety, mobility and connectivity of rural areas,
and other issues.
- Robert Puentes, Metropolitan Policy Program at The Brookings
- Robert D. Yaro, President of the Regional Plan Association in New York
- The Honorable Ron Sims, King County Executive, Seattle, Washington
- Jolene Molitoris, Assistant Director of the Ohio Department of
- Michael R. Wiley, Executive Director of Sacramento Regional Transit
- Ron Kirby, Transportation Director of the Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Highways and Transit Subcommittee
2167 Rayburn
04/09/2008 at 10:00AM
Witnesses Panel I: Status of Surface Transportation Trust Funds and
Impact on Federal Spending
- James S. Simpson, Administrator, Federal Transit Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation
- James D. Ray, Administrator (Acting), Federal Highway
Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation
- John F. McCaskie, Chief Engineer, Swank Associated Companies
(Transportation Construction Coalition)
- William W. Millar, President, American Public Transportation
Panel II: Future Outlook and Budgetary Needs for
- Joseph H. Boardman, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration
- Donna McLean, Chairman of the Board, National Railroad Passenger
- Alexander Kummant, President & CEO, National
Railroad Passenger Corporation-AMTRAK
- David Tornquist, Assistant Inspector General, United States Department
of Transportation
- Joel M. Parker, International Vice President & Special Assistant to
the President, Transportation Communications International Union
Senate Appropriations Committee
Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee
138 Dirksen
04/03/2008 at 09:30AM
Posted by Brad Johnson on 02/21/2008 at 01:34PM
Alex Steffen at WorldChanging in January, with My Other Car is a Bright
Green City (edited
for publication in
and Allison Arieff at the New York Times’s By Design blog on Monday,
with Is Your House Making You Look
take involved and interesting looks at the environmental, energy, and
health consequences of America’s love affair with sprawl. In Steffen’s
words: “The best car-related innovation we have is not to improve the
car, but eliminate the need to drive it everywhere we go.” Arieff
mirrors his sentiment: “First, let’s talk about cars. Stop designing
for them.“
Their excellent essays have spurred varied responses.
Ezra Klein at the American Prospect, yesterday: How We Live
There’s often a tendency to assume that the status quo is the most
“natural” way for things to be, and that rejiggering the relevant
subsidies is somehow more artificial and presumptuous. But the current
system was built atop a massive structure of subsidies and tax breaks.
The mortgage tax deduction advantaged bigger homes; funding schools
through inequitable property taxes encouraged families to move out of
cities where the property taxes were low and into richer suburbs where
the schools would be wealthy; putting billions into costly and
little-used roads made far-flung developments appear cheap to those
who only saw the finished product; underfunding public transportation
heavily influenced development patterns, and so on and so forth.
Matt Yglesias picks up at the Atlantic:
What’s particularly astounding about this stuff, in my view, is that
fixing the problem would hardly require some totalitarian density
police to come around and force us to all live closer together.
Instead, the main step we would need to take would simply be to allow
people to build more densely if they want to. As a secondary measure,
scrapping or limiting the tax code’s weird and destructive subsidy of
big houses would
do some good.
Other blogs that picked the thread up include Duncan Black’s
Urban Grounds,
Dove’s Eye
Trinifar’s Some Maintenance
The Vigorous
and The
Posted by on 02/13/2008 at 07:38PM
On February 4, 2008, Transportation Secretary Mary Peters released the
2009 fiscal year (FY) budget request for the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) to fund construction, maintenance, and operation
activities for the nation’s roadways, railways, and air transportation.
The proposed $68.2 billion total represents a $2.13 billion
decrease from the FY 2008 appropriations
bill enacted in December 2007. Moreover, proposed budget rescission
measures totaling $3.89 billion would further reduce the budgetary
resources available to DOT in
FY 2009 to $64.31 billion.
The Administration is again proposing dramatic cuts in federal support
for Amtrak. Congress appropriated $1.3 billion for Amtrak in
FY 2008 with $850 million going to capital and
debt service and $475 million to operating subsidies. The
Administration’s budget proposes a total of $800 million, a cut of
$525 million or 40 percent. The Administration proposes $525 million
for capital and debt service grants and $275 million for “efficiency
incentive grants” which would replace direct operating subsidies and
give the Secretary of Transportation discretion in how the funds are
Other highlights in the Department of Transportation (DOT) budget
- Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) –
$1.8 billion. CMAQ supports transportation
projects that assist in meeting and maintaining national ambient air
quality standards.
- Clean Fuels Grant Program – $51 million to support transit
operators in transitioning to cleaner and more efficient buses and
fuels, an increase of $2 million from $49 million appropriated in
FY 2008.
- Transit Planning – $113.5 million to support the activities of
regional planning agencies and states to plan for transit investments,
an increase of $6.5 million from $107 million appropriated in
FY 2008.
Transportation for Tomorrow: Report of the National Surface
Transportation Policy and Revenue Study
prepared by a specially convened Commission, meets the charge given
under Section 1909 of the Safe Accountable, Flexible and Efficient
Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The Report
includes detailed recommendations for creating and sustaining a
pre-eminent surface transportation system in the United States.
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
406 Dirksen
01/31/2008 at 10:00AM
EE News:
Advisory panel expected to put gas tax increase plan before House
Alex Kaplun, E&E Daily reporter
A House panel is poised to open a debate this week into increasing the
federal gas tax as a means for funneling additional dollars toward
bridge repairs, highway construction and other transportation
The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee will hold a
hearing Thursday to examine a report from the National Surface
Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, which is expected
to outline a series of recommendations for improving the country’s
transportation infrastructure.
The report will not be formally released until tomorrow morning but
reports late last week indicate that the majority of the 12-member
panel will endorse raising the gas tax to pay for a wide range of
transportation initiatives. The size of the proposed increase to the
18.4 cent per gallon tax remains unclear and could range from as
little as a dime or as much as a quarter per gallon.
Three members of the panel – including Transportation Secretary Mary
Peters – are expected to oppose the increase. The Bush administration
has consistently opposed any boost to the gas tax, arguing that it is
an inefficient way to pay for future transportation projects.
Still, several key lawmakers in the last couple years have said that
Congress should explore increasing the tax to inject extra dollars
into federal transportation funds that are failing to keep up with the
nation’s needs. But the idea has yet to gain any significant traction
on Capitol Hill.
In the wake of last summer’s Minnesota bridge collapse, T&I Committee
Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.) proposed a temporary five-cent gas tax
increase to repair and replace bridges across the United States. The
increase would sunset after three years and raise roughly $25 billion
over that period.
Oberstar’s plan never made it out of committee before the end of the
last session of Congress. It remains to be seen whether he will try to
revive a similar plan this year.
But one influential Republican has already come out against any
proposal to increase the gas tax, saying that it would place an extra
burden on consumers without substantially increasing federal
transportation dollars.
“This is a disappointment and probably even a big waste of tax
dollars. A special commission came up with an old, cold, bad idea,”
said Senate Finance Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
“Raising the gas tax puts the brunt of the long-term trust fund
expenses on automobile drivers, when diesel trucks and other heavy
vehicles also use the highways.”
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
2167 Rayburn
01/17/2008 at 11:00AM
The Urban Land Institute will hold a news
conference to release a report titled “Growing Cooler: The Evidence”
that will discuss the relationship between urban development and carbon
dioxide emitted by vehicles.
Contact: Nicole Daigle at 202-715-1553
Urban Land Institute, 1025 Thomas Jefferson St. N.W., Suite 500 West
Urban Land Institute
09/20/2007 at 10:00AM