Nobel Prize-Winning Economists and Scientists Call on Congress to Address Climate Change

Nobel prize-winning economists and scientists will talk about a letter that they, other economists and scientists, and clean energy business representatives will deliver to the Senate Thursday, urging lawmakers to require immediate cuts in global warming emissions. The letter was signed by more than 2,000 economists and climate scientists, including eight Nobel laureates, 32 National Academy of Science members, 11 MacArthur “genius award” winners, and three National Medal of Science recipients. The signers point out that the evidence of climate change is incontrovertible and the longer we wait to address it, the more costly the consequences will be. Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) will kick off the call with a statement of support and express the need for Senate action on clean energy and climate legislation.


  • Kevin Knobloch, Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) president
  • Tom Udall, U.S. senator from New Mexico
  • Jim McCarthy, biological oceanography professor at Harvard University, former American Association for the Advancement of Science president, UCS board member, Nobel prize winner for his work with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • Eric Maskin, economics professor at the Institute for Advanced Study; winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his work on mechanism design, the theory of how to design institutions for achieving particular social or economic goals
  • Alan Robock, meteorology professor at Rutgers, Nobel prize winner for his work with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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Union of Concerned Scientists
District of Columbia
03/11/2010 at 10:30AM

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UCS at Chamber of Commerce Presentation Against Climate Legislation in New Hampshire

Posted by Brad Johnson on 03/15/2008 at 01:17PM

The Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth (AEEG) (an industry coalition organized in 2001 to support the administration’s Energy Task Force efforts), the National Association of Manufacturers, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are hosting a series of state climate change dialogues in 2008 in Ohio, New Hampshire, Montana, and North Dakota, with Margo Thorning of the American Council for Capital Formation, a conservative corporate think tank. The first such forum was held in Manchester, NH on Wednesday, March 12.

Jim Rubens, of the Union of Concerned Scientists attended the event. Below is his story of what transpired, a Hill Heat exclusive.

The American Council for Capital Formation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – fronting for coal, oil and the fossil-heavy utilities – last Wednesday road tested their forum on what they claim are the dire economic consequences of the Lieberman-Warner climate bill. It was train wreck I am certain they will not want repeated.

First, in response to a letter from 8 utility CEOs asking that exaggerations be removed from the Charles River Associates analysis forming the basis for the phony projections, lead ExxonMobil-funded economist Dr Margo Thorning announced that no specific impact numbers would be provided. We’d need to wait to see the new, even more slanted ACCF-sponsored study due to be released the next day.

Next, a couple of global warming denialists in the audience asked the Chamber rep why the nation’s business lobby was buying into the need for anything at all to be done, given that glaciers are growing worldwide, Mars is getting colder, etc. The response: the IPCC report is in, and attacking the science is no longer politically tenable. Subtext read in the facial expressions from the dais: we’d love to, but we’re stuck now fear mongering the economics of an American energy future of stable prices, domestic job growth, and intact Florida coastlines.

Next, Tufts economist Dr Julie Nelson asked Dr. Thorning whether the new ACCF-sponsored analysis would be any better than the CRA version, allowing peer review, disclosing assumptions, etc, like all the competing 25 climate-economy models which project only very modest impacts. Answer: an embarrassed no.

Next, yours truly asked Dr. Thorning whether the ACCF analysis – to correct the CRA’s failings – would model the costs of projected warming under the business as usual or baseline scenario at greater than zero, given that New Hampshire’s $650 million ski industry will be wiped out by 2100, or would assign a return greater than zero to stepped-up efficiency and conservation investments, or a value greater than zero for future energy technology innovation. Answer: another hang-dog faced no. Given the lack of data, there is no way to assign any number, she said.

I then asked Dr. Thorning whether it would therefore be fair to footnote the baseline scenario GDP and energy cost numbers, with a statement to the effect that the predicted cost of L-W is high because the baseline number is likely to be low, in that the cost of global warming under business as usual is greater than zero. She acknowledged some merit to that before quickly retreating from the room to work her cell phone.

Recommendations for the three future ACCF fora: be sure to have credible economists and clean energy and efficiency experts and developers in the room. Call them on every false, exaggerated and unsupported statement. Talk about what American entrepreneurs are doing right now in the states where the fora are held to make the American economy stronger while reducing the risks of future climate change. Make sure the media is present to witness it.

Shaping the Message, Distorting the Science: Media Strategies to Influence Public Policy

Redacting the Science of Climate Change, Government Accountability Project Report


  • Dr. James J. McCarthy, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biological Oceanography, Harvard University, Board Member, Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Sheldon Rampton, SourceWatch, Co-Author of “Trust Us, We’re Experts!”
  • Tarek Maassarani, Government Accountability Project
  • Jeff Kueter, George C. Marshall Institute
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
   Oversight Subcommittee
2318 Rayburn

03/28/2007 at 02:00PM