Message from Ben Santer: Here is a message of support I sent to Tom
Karl on November 17, 2015. I remain deeply concerned by the unwarranted
Congressional scrutiny that the 2015 Karl et al. Science paper continues
to receive.
I have no concerns about public distribution of this letter.
Dr. Thomas R. Karl
Director, National Center for Environmental Information
Veach-Baley Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
Dear Tom,
I just wanted to express my gratitude and scientific appreciation for
the critical research you and your NCEI
colleagues have performed over the last several decades. You have been
pioneers in many different areas: in producing observational estimates
of global-scale changes in land and ocean surface temperatures, in
identifying non-climatic artifacts in temperature measurements, in
developing rigorous scientific methods of adjusting for such artifacts,
and in accounting for the incomplete, time-varying coverage of
NCEI has made its surface temperature data
sets freely and openly available to the entire climate science
community, thus enabling important research on the nature and causes of
climate change, climate variability, and climate model evaluation.
NCEI staff have clearly and thoroughly
documented each surface temperature data set that
NCEI has released – in scientific
publications, in presentations to policymakers and professional
societies, and in extensive online material. No scientific organization
has done a more thorough or transparent job in developing and analyzing
observations of 20th and early 21st century changes in Earth’s climate.
I am deeply concerned that NCEI’s science is
now being subjected to Congressional scrutiny and criticism. Such
scrutiny and criticism is not warranted. The leadership of the House
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology should understand that
science is dynamic rather than static. All observational temperature
data sets have evolved in important ways over time, in tandem with
improvements in the ability to identify and adjust for inhomogeneities
introduced by changing measurement systems, changing measurement
practices, and changes in the spatial coverage of measurements. This is
true not only for surface temperature data sets, but also for
measurements of the heat content of the world’s oceans, and for
satellite-based estimates of temperature change in Earth’s lower and
upper atmosphere. Evolution of observational temperature data sets is a
normal, on-going scientific process. It is not evidence of
non-scientific behavior.
If our country is to take informed decisions on how to address problems
arising from human perturbations to the climate system, we need access
to the best-available scientific information on how Earth’s climate has
actually changed. NCEI provides such
critically important information to the scientific community,
policymakers, and the public. You and your
NCEI colleagues deserve our sincere thanks and
our continued support.
With best regards,
Ben Santer
Distinguished Member of Scientific Staff, Lawrence Livermore National
Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences