From the Wonk Room.
Today, in the first hearing of the House Energy and Commerce
under the leadership of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), a coalition of
corporations and environmental organizations renewed their
call for an industry-friendly
cap and trade system. The U.S. Climate Action Partnership made a
tremendous splash two years ago by coming out
in favor of a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse
gases. Though
their recommendations overly benefited polluting industries,
USCAP’s call for mandatory action changed the
political tide in Washington. They deserve credit for moving past
conservative rhetoric that denies the need to act, and for stating that
“action by the U.S. should not be
contingent on simultaneous
action by other countries,” a common excuse for delay.
But climate change science and
politics have moved on in the past two years, and
USCAP has lost its mantle of leadership. Their
proposal fails to satisfy the scientific, economic, and societal
principles that must underlie any “framework for legislation to address
climate change”:
EMISSIONS TARGETS. USCAP’s recommended emissions limits are
insufficient to prevent catastrophic climate change. They call for
U.S. emissions to be reduced by at most 7 percent below 1990
levels by 2020. However, as
Center for American Progress fellow Joseph Romm indicated in a recent
report, “A U.S. climate bill should set a target of reducing U.S.
greenhouse gas emissions 20 to 30 percent below 1990
by 2020.” Furthermore, USCAP calls for
“generous limits on the use of offsets” of two to three billion tons
of CO2 a year, which means actual emissions
wouldn’t have to begin reducing until 2030.

MONEY. USCAP calls for provisions to prevent emissions permits
from exceeding a “threshold price” and for “a significant portion of
free allowances should be initially distributed to capped entities and
economic sectors.” In other words, polluters should be protected from
paying the cost of compliance with the already fatally weakened cap.
This will lead to windfall profits for
at the expense of consumers. President-elect Barack Obama and other
progressive leaders have joined the Center for American Progress in
calling for full auction of emissions
to fund public investments and protect low-income consumers from
economic hardship.
USCAP members include major global warming
polluters in multiple industries—chemical (Dow, DuPont, Johnson &
Johnson), oil and gas (Rio Tinto, Shell, BP America), manufacturing
(Alcoa, Caterpillar, Siemens, GE, Boston Scientific), automotive (Ford
Motor, GM, Chrysler, Deere), and utilities (Duke, PG&E, Exelon,
FPL, PNM), as well as the financial services
industry that would administer a cap-and-trade system (AIG, Marsh,
The environmental organizations in the partnership are the Natural
Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Defense Fund, the World
Resources Institute, the Pew Center for Climate Change, and the Nature
Conservancy. However, the National Wildlife Federation has left the
partnership, saying that it instead will work to “enact a
cap-and-invest bill that measures
to what scientists say is needed and makes bold investments in a clean
energy economy.”
Responses below: