Moving Cooler: Leveraging Transportation to Fight Climate Change

Friends of the Earth
Natural Resources Defense Council
District of Columbia
21/11/2008 at 09:40AM

Day 1: Cooler Heads Prevailing

Background Briefings on Facts, Trends, Policy and Politics

9:40-10:00: U.S. Transportation Policy – Survey of ISTEA-SAFETEA-LU

  • Michael Replogle: Environmental Defense

10:00-10:10: Break

10:10-11:00 Where Are We Going? – Demographic, market and policy trends changing the context for transportation * Chris Leinberger: Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Center; University of Michigan; and

  • Rob Puentes: Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Center

11:00-12:15: Tools for Shaping a Low Carbon Transportation Future Panel Discussion and Q & A

Growing Cooler – smart growth and transit

  • Geoff Anderson: Smart Growth America; Transportation for America

Enhancing walking and biking

  • Kevin Mills: Rails to Trails Conservancy

Intelligent transportation systems and pricing

  • Leslie Barras: ITS America

Blueprint Plans

  • Mike McKeever: Sacramento Area Council of Governments

12:15-1:30: Lunch

Lunch speaker – New Vision for American Transportation (12:45-1:30)

  • Jannette Sadik-Kahn: New York City Department of Transportation

1:30-3:00: Politics and Policy: Transportation and Climate

1:30-1:50: Policy in Brief: A summary of action to date at the state and federal level

  • Marty Spitzer: Center for Clean Air Policy

1:50-2:30: Perspectives from the Hill

  • Amy Scarton, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Susan Binder: Committee on Environment and Public Works

2:30-3:30: Perspectives from Off-the-Hill

  • Don Ross: Transportation for America
  • Art Guzzetti: American Public Transportation Association
  • Polly Trottenberg: Building America’s Future
  • Joshua Shank: Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Bill Ankner: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

3:30-3:45: Break

3:45-5:30: What’s the Vision: A Proposal for the Green Groups and CLEAN

3:45-4:45: Proposal for Platform, with Group Discussion

  • Colin Peppard: Friends of the Earth

4:45–5:00: Fundraising

  • David Burwell

5:00-5:30: Designing a Winning Green Campaign: Discussion of Goals and Overview of Next Meeting

  • Deron Lovaas: Natural Resources Defense Council

5:30-???: Happy Hour

The Pew Environment Group
1025 F Street NW, 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20004

Telephone: (202) 552-2000