Solving the Climate Crisis: Reducing Industrial Emissions Through U.S. Innovation

House Climate Crisis Committee
HVC 210 Capitol Visitor Center

09/26/2019 at 02:00PM

The hearing will focus on developing and implementing domestic technologies to reduce industrial emissions.


  • Brad Crabtree, Vice President, Carbon Management, Great Plains Institute (@GreatPlainsInst) and Director of the Carbon Capture Coalition (@CCSTechFacts). The CCC is a national coalition of over 70 organizations that support the adoption and deployment of carbon capture technologies. Crabtree also coordinates a 15-state work group convened in 2015 by Governor Steve Bullock (D-MT) and former Governor Matt Mead (R-WY) to foster commercial deployment of carbon capture and CO2 pipeline infrastructure.
  • David Gardiner, Principal, President, David Gardiner and Associates (@dgardinera) and former Executive Director of the White House Climate Change Task Force under the Clinton Administration. Gardiner facilitates the Combined Heat and Power Alliance and the Renewable Thermal Collaborative, which focus on innovative strategies to reduce industrial sector emissions. Gardiner has over 35 years of experience analyzing and influencing domestic and global clean energy solutions in the public and private sector. Prior to founding DGA, Gardiner served as Assistant Administrator for Policy at the Environmental Protection Agency and Legislative Director for the Sierra Club in Washington, D.C.
  • Cate Hight, Principal, Industry and Heavy Transport, Rocky Mountain Institute (@RockyMtnInst) and former manager of the Global Methane Initiative program at the Environmental Protection Agency. The RMI is a nonpartisan nonprofit that works with businesses, communities and institutions to make cost-effective shifts from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables.
  • Jeremy Gregory, Ph.D. (@jeremyrgregory), Executive Director, MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (@CSHub_MIT). Dr. Gregory is an engineer who studies the economic and environmental implications of materials, their recycling and recovery systems. The CSHub at MIT was established with grants from the Portland Cement Association with the goal of accelerating breakthroughs in concrete science and the swift transition of research advancements to industry practices.