2022 National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program, Day 1

National Environmental Justice Conference
District of Columbia
03/09/2022 at 08:00AM

Register for The 2022 National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center

Day 1 Agenda


8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.


Exhibit Hall Open

9:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m.

Welcome/Opening Remarks

Conference Facilitator Ms. Carolyn Sawyer Communications Strategist Tom Sawyer Company

Dr. Melinda Downing Environmental Justice Program Manager U.S. Department of Energy

9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m.

PANEL: Virtual Environmental Justice Academy. Undergraduate students Sierra Generette and Justice Wright spent their Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters interning with the Mentorship for Environmental Scholars (MES) Program. Their internship focused on creating virtual Environmental Justice trainings to be delivered to middle and high school students. The results of this 10-week academic year internship formed the Pre-College University’s Virtual Environmental Justice Academy.

Clarence T. Brown Executive Director Pre-College University, Inc.

Sierra Generette Former Mentorship for Environmental Scholars (MES) Intern

Justice Wright Former Mentorship for Environmental Scholars (MES) Intern

Dave J. Wess Dean of Students Pre-College University, Inc.

10:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m.—12:45 p.m.

PANEL: Educate, Motivate, Innovate: Building the Next Generation of Environmental Justice Leaders (The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice’s “Educate, Motivate and Innovate (EMI) Environmental Justice Initiative”).


Joanna Mounce Stancil EMI Chair USDA Forest Service Washington, D.C.

EMI and CUPP Collaboration: CUPP is a unique program that coordinates partnerships between local colleges/universities with communities in need throughout the southeast. College and university students provide technical assistance, free of charge, to underserved communities through planned projects. CUPP has completed over 100 projects throughout the United States, obtaining several dedicated college/university and non-profit partners.

Jeannie Williamson EPA Region 4 College/Underserved Community Partnership Program (CUPP) Coordinator

PRESENTATION: Redlining and Environmental Justice: Identifying the roots of Child Health Vulnerabilities to Climate Change. This presentation will explore how children’s environmental health disparities correlate with the historical practices of redlining and provide valuable insight on the structural roots of environmental health disparities, in the context of climate change.

Dr. Leslie Isadore Rubin Director of Break the Cycle Program Southeastern Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit

Devon Nenon Undergraduate Student (Junior) Major: Sustainability Studies University of Florida

PRESENTATION: Georgia State University Students Assist Duck Hill, Mississippi Citizens Stay Informed About Their Community. The Georgia State University’s Computer Information System’s Department partnered with the Montgomery Citizens United for Prosperity (MCUP) to assist the Duck Hill community build a digital presence on the Internet. The presentation will show how the webpage will benefit the community.

Alicia Gholar Computer Information Systems Georgia State University

Romona Taylor Williams Executive Director Mississippi Communities United for Prosperity

Carelis Zambrano Bellorin Major: Computer Information Systems Georgia State University

PRESENTATION: Kentucky State University Assists in Preparing Educational Products for Low-income Communities in Kentucky. Kentucky’s Division of Water has partnered with Kentucky State University under the CUPP program to assist in developing easily accessible, easily interpreted educational documents for the lead testing in drinking water program. This presentation will show the research conducted by student to prepare these documents for use in low-income communities within the state.

Gabriel Tanner Kentucky Division of Water

Kabita Paudel Graduate Student, Master of Science in Environmental Studies Major: Environmental studies (GIS, Remote Sensing) Kentucky State University

PRESENTATION: Tech for Environmental Justice: BEEnevolent Hive and Mobile Application. The audience will learn about the plight of the honeybees and technological solutions for the honeybees. The audience will also learn about a tool for environmental reporting, environmental justice education and connectivity.

Sade Shofidiya Graduate Student Major: Public Administration – Museum Administration Savannah State University

12:45 p.m.—1:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m.


Luncheon Speaker:

Dr. Britt Rios-Ellis Executive VP of Academic Affairs Oakland University Lake Angelus, MI