RESCHEDULED: Markup of Conservation, Border Control, and Offshore Drilling Legislation

House Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth

10/24/2023 at 11:30AM

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 11:30 a.m., in room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Committee on Natural Resources will hold a mark-up. The hearing was originally scheduled for 10:15 am.

Rescheduled to Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 10 a.m.

Expected to move by unanimous consent:

  • H.R. 1792 (Rep. Radewagen), “South Pacific Tuna Treaty Act of 2023”;
  • H.R. 2560 (Rep. Keating), “Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act of 2023”;
  • H.R. 3415 (Rep. Hageman), “Pilot Butte Power Plant Conveyance Act”;
  • H.R. 4770 (Rep. Sarbanes), “Chesapeake Bay Science, Education, and Ecosystem Enhancement Act of 2023”;
  • H.R. 5009 (Rep. Joyce of Ohio), “Wildlife Innovation and Longevity Driver reauthorization Act” or the “WILD Act”.

Expected to move by regular order:

  • H.R. 5283 (Rep. Malliotakis), “Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023”, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to provide housing for illegal immigrants on federal lands, and would revoke the lease signed by the Department of the Interior and the City of New York to house illegal immigrants at Floyd Bennett Field
  • H.R. 5616 (Rep. Graves of Louisiana), “Bringing Reliable Investment into Domestic Gulf Energy Production Act of 2023” or the “BRIDGE Production Act of 2023”, which would require the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to hold two offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico in 2024 and 2025.
  • H.R. 4587 (Rep. Rutherford), “Red Snapper Act”, which would prevent NOAA from implementing area closures in the South Atlantic until the South Atlantic Great Red Snapper Count study is complete and the findings are integrated into the fishery’s stock assessment.

Markup memo

Tthe Committee will recess at 11:45 a.m. and reconvene at 1:15 p.m. to conclude the mark-up.