06 2008
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Senate Republicans block movement on two bills to spur renewable energy investment
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S 3044, HR 6049, PTC, renewables, oil
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Resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 3044, the Consumer-First Energy bill
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S 3044, energy, oil, PTC, HR 6049
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Cloture vote on SA 4825 (Boxer) to the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S. 3036)
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SA 4825, Lieberman-Warner, cap and trade, S 3036
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Lieberman-Warner Day Three: Republican Leadership Blocks Debate; Reid Will File Cloture
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Lieberman-Warner, S 3036, cap and trade
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The Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act: H.R. 4174
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HR 4174, oceans
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Boehner Calls for Debate on Markey Climate Legislation
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Lieberman-Warner, cap and trade, S 3036, HR 6186
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Conservative Senators Compare Lieberman-Warner to New Deal, Oppose "Expansion of Government"
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Lieberman-Warner, S 2191, cap and trade, S 3036
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Lieberman-Warner Day Three: Climate Legislation and Energy Costs
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Lieberman-Warner, S 3036, cap and trade