04 2008
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Pelosi Allies Release Climate Legislation Principles
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Lieberman-Warner, S 2191, cap and trade, HR 5775, Waxman, Inslee, Markey
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Opportunities and Challenges for Nuclear Power
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Moving Passengers and Freight into the Future: A Review of the Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission
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transportation, gas tax, infrastructure
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The Electric Drive Answer: Transportation Technologies & Policies to End Oil Dependence
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transportation, electric vehicles
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EPA Defies Another Subpoena: 'It May Create Erroneous Impressions'
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EPA, Bliley, Markey, subpoena, California waiver
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The increasing number of issues associated with aging water resource infrastructure that is operated and maintained, or owned, by the United States Bureau of Reclamation
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Bureau of Reclamation, water, infrastructure
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Surface transportation and the global economy
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transportation, international, trucking
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CBO: Lieberman-Warner to Create $1.2 Trillion Market in Ten Years -- Sponsors Respond
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Lieberman-Warner, S 2191, cap and trade, CBO, auction
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Senate Passes Ensign-Cantwell PTC Extension 88-8
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PTC, oil, renewable, efficiency, SA 4419, HR 3221, SA 4387, SA 4429